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Desperate-Step4469 t1_j3xib3g wrote

255 billion dollars? they must be playing the long game. like the REALLY long game.


throwaway2676 t1_j3ygpsd wrote

Haha, or hyperinflation takes off and they pay it back with spare change in like 7 years


blose1 t1_j3zngmt wrote

Nah, It was clearly like this:

Some exec at MS thinks "so company is worth 0 billions now, we already lost 1 billion, so how much is company worth? let me write program to solve this mathematical problem"

uint8 company_value = 0;

company_value = company_value -1;


"Ok, so company is worth 255 billions now, got it. Guys I know how much OpenAI is worth!"


hobo_couture t1_j3xixck wrote

i think they will pay it off in 10 years


Desperate-Step4469 t1_j3xnq0u wrote

Likely. They just gotta figure how to make a billlion. Then repeat it 255 times.


ore-aba t1_j3xso8l wrote

So easy that the counter variable for the loop can be an 8-bit unsigned integer.


kanripper t1_j3xslbi wrote

I think this has potential to be a groundbreaking technology which will be used by almost everyone, then its a no brainer


farmingvillein t1_j3xmibw wrote

Can we not post quotes without links to the source?


Gmroo OP t1_j3xnugv wrote

It didn't allow me to post the link. I'll add it to a comment. Hopefully that doesn't break the rules.


farmingvillein t1_j3xoqr8 wrote

> It didn't allow me to post the link

You are allowed to place it in the self-post, unless I misunderstand your comment.


Gmroo OP t1_j3xq1pt wrote

In the main post. I added the link as a comment now.


farmingvillein t1_j3xui1m wrote

No, you can edit your original post and place it in there:

> OpenAI must be super confident about the generality of their AI and Microsoft product integration.

<-- add your link here.

> During weekdays, if you'd like to share a link, place it in a self-post and provide some context.


Gmroo OP t1_j3y2cf2 wrote

Gotcha. My brain skipped over the "self-post" part.


makybo91 t1_j3xt8l5 wrote

Shitty terms tbh


omniron t1_j3zls95 wrote

I’d pay $10/mo for a family plan for chatgpt at this point


jackmusclescarier t1_j40703j wrote

Great, now they just need every US family to buy one of those for the next 200-ish years without incurring any further costs.


The-Unstable-Writer t1_j42ba0a wrote

As with all software like this, the majority of revenue doesn't come from individuals buying licenses or paying small subscriptions, the money comes from enterprises that will pay millions of dollars for a solution that saves them even more money. Microsoft makes very little money from Windows 10 and 11 compared to how much they make from Windows server and their according licenses. ChatGPT will likely be the same, as corporations look to use it to cut costs in things like helpdesk and writing. No company will object to paying 100k a year to use software that can save them 5 million a year in labor costs.


RuairiSpain t1_j4giuhl wrote

Do you think ChatGPT will be able to fix the ambiguity in later responses? And improve the partial gibberish that it can add?

I'm not sure people have looked closely at the ChatGPT semantics. To debug where the model goes wrong when it adds gibberish, is a big step in ML. The first hurdle is to get explainability into the model results. I've not wee much discussion on this 2ith ChatGPT


Affectionate-Echo289 t1_j40lky4 wrote

I seriously implore people to pay attention to what microsoft is doing, what they're saying on conference calls, and most of all, how much cash on hand they have.

It seems whoever mentioned on the conference call a few weeks back about investing an additional 100BB into OpenAi got what they wanted because MS isn't stopping anytime soon and I don't think this is going to be 'the end' to the relationship by any means.

Also, OpenAi have a reason to be confident, we're looking at the early-stages of the next trillion dollar company.


poslathian t1_j3ya1zu wrote

Put on your big boy pants, MS. No on else is giving these guys 10B and a GTM strategy.


AmbitiousTour t1_j433378 wrote

I think this is more than all the money google every made.


[deleted] t1_j3x1k09 wrote



manOnPavementWaving t1_j3x2wca wrote

What? Amazon made 9 billion from Q42021 to Q32022


fauge7 t1_j40d3sm wrote

Lol, Amazon barely makes a profit because they reinvest a vast majority of it to pay less taxes. They don't need to make money if they use it to keep growing


[deleted] t1_j3x36ag wrote



hisglasses66 t1_j3zdurk wrote

They can be confident about the generality, but are they confident about the cash flow? This sounds like a way to buy themselves out of Microsoft, while using their infrastructure to take off. If Microsoft couldn’t pull of Watson - how could they pull this off. Maybe I’m thinking more search based consumers. There’s a lot a lot of enterprise potential. But who’s gonna build all those dictionaries? 10 years for 100B in payback? 15?


RuairiSpain t1_j4gk0re wrote

Search and integration into Office products would be big revenue generators. Killing Google and revenue would be a double whammy for the Tech sector, it would destabilise a main competitor and put MS at the front of the Tech arms race for the next decade or two.

I foresee Google losing search market share, which is looking more and more likely, given their terrible search results and spammed too results. That leaves Google with Android and Youtube, which are dependant on a good search engine for revenue.

If MS can move the needle on Bing market share, it could bring them back into the B2C market.

Imaging ChatGPT integrated into Word, PowerPoint, Excel and SharePoint! It would be middle managers wet dream to waste even more time on documents and paperwork 😜


baaaaarkly t1_j3z0hdh wrote

It seems very likely to me? I thought we are at just the starting point of the impacts of these general AIs and they will keep spitting them out, replace more humans in their jobs and save companies more and more monies at an ever increasing rate.
