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ZeroBearing t1_j40ggvt wrote

Could be done but would require about 6 months for data collection and experimentation. And I think the going rate for 6 month contracts for AI engineers in the UK is 30K, US is upwards of 60k.

Good luck bro


BitterAd9531 t1_j411ihw wrote

I'm not even convinced it's possible based on the requirements. You're not going to get structured data. Just pictures of the outside and inside of the house I assume. How are you going to reliably estimate livable space, current state, or even number of rooms when not even all rooms might be properly pictured. You're banking on extracting these features from what I assume to be suboptimal images with high accuracy (very doubtful tbh) and then estimating price based on the features, which is useless if the features aren't extracted properly from the images.

Even if this was possible with high enough accuracy, the dataset you would need for this has be absolutely huge. I really don't believe someone can gather enough in 6 months while simultaneously developing the nn.

And then we're not even talking about the legality of scraping competitors websites to compare them to.

I'm not convinced I could do this in 6 months and I wouldn't do it for that price.


CuriousCesarr OP t1_j41aojj wrote

I dunno if my English is that bad or people are in a rush when reading my post but: you get the images AND information about the residence itself (nr of rooms, total living space, space of each room, a sketch of the place, etc.).


BitterAd9531 t1_j41gjo4 wrote

Ah my bad. I think you could make it a bit more clear in your post but it's definitely on me for misunderstanding. If the information about the residence was given in the document itself then it becomes a lot more doable.

I still see quite few problems such as neighbourhood, etc. influencing the price, which means you'd need an absolutely huge dataset with very detailed features. And even then I think the accuracy will still not be optimal. Then there's still the issue with scraping competitors data from their website, which I doubt is legal.

It really depends on what this will be used for. Want to use this to recommend houses to potential buyers in a certain price range? Absolutely doable, but it seems completely overkill for an application like that. Want to use it to replace humans who's job it is to give price estimations? Probably not a good idea.


CuriousCesarr OP t1_j54lden wrote

Sorry for the late reply but I had a very busy period. In the end, I found a small Greek ML company that was excited about the project and we entered deeper discussions. I also updated my post to reflect this. Have a great day! :)


CuriousCesarr OP t1_j40h43r wrote

Wow! Thank you for the concise yet complex reply!

Would you be interested in such a project? Based on your final sentence, I assume not. :(