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Sirisian t1_j44fz5x wrote

> now AI is AGI

It's not. Keep correcting people. AI is task or multi-task specific. It's perfectly fine for someone to say ChatGPT is a dialog AI, for example. It completes tasks (multiple in this case) using an artificial intelligence that happens to be created using machine learning techniques.

What you're describing in your second part is AGI. Non task-specific problem solving at the level of a human. The boundary between advanced AI, especially multi-task learning models, and AGI will get smaller and fuzzy in the coming decades, but there is a difference. There will be very advanced AIs that check a lot of boxes researchers create. When an AGI is created there are effectively no boxes left to check. The system can collect data, reason, and create a logical solution for any test way outside of its training data.


wind_dude t1_j4767yf wrote

>ChatGPT is a dialog AI,

OpenAI doesn't even call chatGPT AI or dialog AI.


>Non task-specific problem solving at the level of a human. The boundary between advanced AI, especially multi-task learning models, and AGI will get smaller and fuzzy in the coming decades, but there is a difference.

That is closer to the original older definition of AI, I don't think I've seen one credible definition that doesn't include problem solving. AGI just started getting used because AI had been used to much to refer to stuff that isn't AI.