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moschles t1_j4nch5w wrote

> Seems to be derived by observing that the most promising work in robotics today (where generating data is challenging) is coming from piggy-backing on the success of large language models (think SayCan etc).

There is nothing really magical being claimed here. The LLMs are undergoing unsupervised training. essentially by creating distortions of the text. (one type of "distortion" is Cloze Deletion. But there are others in the panoply of distorted text.)

Unsupervised training avoids the bottleneck of having to manually pre-label your dataset.

When we translate unsupervised training to the robotics domain, what does that look like? Perhaps "next word prediction" is analogous to "next second prediction" of a physical environment. And Cloze Deletion has an analogy to probabilistic "in-painting" done by existing diffusion models.

That's the way I see it. I'm not particular sold on this idea that the pretraining would be literal LLM trained on text, ported seamlessly to the robotics domain. If I'm wrong, set me straight.