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t0ns0fph0t0ns OP t1_j4bi5wa wrote

>Scene Synthesis from Human Motion
>Large-scale capture of human motion with diverse, complex scenes, while immensely useful, is often considered prohibitively costly. Meanwhile, human motion alone contains rich information about the scene they reside in and interact with. For example, a sitting human suggests the existence of a chair, and their leg position further implies the chair’s pose. In this paper, we propose to synthesize diverse, semantically reasonable, and physically plausible scenes based on human motion. Our framework, Scene Synthesis from HUMan MotiON (SUMMON), includes two steps. It first uses ContactFormer, our newly introduced contact predictor, to obtain temporally consistent contact labels from human motion. Based on these predictions, SUMMON then chooses interacting objects and optimizes physical plausibility losses; it further populates the scene with objects that do not interact with humans. Experimental results demonstrate that SUMMON synthesizes feasible, plausible, and diverse scenes and has the potential to generate extensive human-scene interaction data for the community.