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armchair-progamer t1_j4ovjjm wrote

> digital watermark

Wouldn't it be easier to store the model outputs or a perceptual hash, and then provide a way to determine if some text is similar to prior ChatGPT output? I assumed they were already doing something like this to collect usage data as they scrape new content.

ChatGPT already has a unique writing style, I'm not sure how you could add anything to the text which couldn't be trivially removed and do better


Fit_Macaron4492 t1_j4q1jsu wrote

Not really, I tried Chat GPT a few days ago. Thus I gave it a theme in which I had written an Essay before and asked it to rewrite it. I sent both texts to my father, who knows my writing style, and he was unable to differentiate who wrote which one. To be fair, you can tell the AI to give you a whole paragraph in other words, which often improves the language.