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Acceptable-Cress-374 t1_j4w9ssn wrote

From the model's card:

> Direct Use

> The model is a classifier that can be used to detect text generated by GPT-2 models. However, it is strongly suggested not to use it as a ChatGPT detector for the purposes of making grave allegations of academic misconduct against undergraduates and others, as this model might give inaccurate results in the case of ChatGPT-generated input.

Just for lols, I tested this with text-davinci-03.

Prompt: Write a post about liking fruity icecream, in the style of a reddit post. Make some minor grammar mistakes while writing the post.

Response: hey everyone, so I'm totally loving this fruity icecream lately! I got it from a store near my house and its been so good. Its really sweet but not overly sickeningly sweet, like some other ice cream. Plus the fact that its fruity makes it even better in my opinion. Does anyone else like fruity icecream too? It'd be awesome to hear some of your thoughts on it!

The above detector: > Computation time on Intel Xeon 3rd Gen Scalable cpu: 0.090 s > > Real 0.984


suflaj t1_j4wndsx wrote

Using a black box model for this kind of stuff looks like a nice way to get sued