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pfm11231 t1_j6n3emy wrote

Reply to comment by BeatLeJuce in [D] deepmind's ai vision by [deleted]

right my confusion is how it views the rgb pixel input, would you summarize it as it's looking at a screen, a whole image like a human player would, like the little ai is in it's own vr head set. or is it more just looking at numbers and finding a pattern


cruddybanana1102 t1_j6n46op wrote

I don't really unserstand the question What do you mean "looking at a screen"? Or "looking at numbers and finding a pattern"?

The model takes in multidimensional array as input. That array is all the rgb values at a given instant. Take that to mean whatever suits you.


BeatLeJuce t1_j6n6x9b wrote

It looks at the screen. Your question indicate you're not well versed in AI. I'd advise you to read up more on fundamental deep learning techniques if you don't know what a CNN does.


bacon_boat t1_j6n82xv wrote

Am I looking at your comment right now, or is it just some number of voltages over the neurons of my visual cortex?