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goldemerald t1_j5psrue wrote

3 borderlines?!?!?

I've been in a state of shock for an hour.


KrakenInAJar t1_j5pvfuw wrote

3 borderline (3), 1 weak accept (4), better than feared but I guess I will run on adrenaline for the next month...


silenac t1_j5q1lu3 wrote

1 borderline, 2 weak rejects. For the first submission, it’s okay. Is there any statistics on changing the recommendations after rebuttal?


KrakenInAJar t1_j5q51at wrote

Common wisdom is to not bet on flipping, but it is a case by case thing and it can happen.
Read the reviews and if you can deliver a good, carefully worded rebuttal you may flip one or two. But in the end it depends on how open the reviewers are to flip.


Rolling_Pig t1_j5q71oi wrote

2 Weak accept and 1 weak reject.
Is there any chance for me?


tt19234 t1_j5q8xpm wrote

Is there any public statistics of past years CVPR? Like what is the average score for those who got published??


the_architect_ai t1_j5qks8o wrote

Phd student here.

1 accept (5), 2 Borderline (3). What are the chances of my paper getting accepted?


bigbird1996 t1_j5ql6y3 wrote

1 weak reject, 2 rejects 😢 This is also my first ever submission to any conference ever. Time to learn to not suck lol


entarko t1_j5qlmuc wrote

Possible with a good rebuttal and a little bit of luck that the reviewers are willing to change their mind. But borderline suggest that their opinion is not set in stone, so not a bad sign, and the accept will point them in that direction.


Great-Ad8037 t1_j5qmns0 wrote

2 borderlines (3), 1 weak reject (2). The confidence level of both borderlines is 4, and for the weak reject its 2. Do you think there's a chance for flipping and acceptance?


Minimum-Physical t1_j5qnwxv wrote

2 borderline (3), 1 weak reject (2) and a reject (1). Both borderline seem possible to change. The other two might be able to increase by a point. What are the odds? Or should we withdraw? Thanks :)


bombay_doors t1_j5qtjb0 wrote

People who got orals in the previous years, what was your average score


realHansen t1_j5qxn18 wrote

If you write a good rebuttal I'd be hopeful. You have two reviewers undecided, and one apparently willing to champion your paper. In my experience, if things do shuffle after the rebuttal, ratings tend to gravitate towards the pre-rebuttal mean. In your case that would be a good thing :)


didroth t1_j5r6r2j wrote

1 weak reject (2), 1 borderline (3), 1 weak accept (4), 1 accept (5).

A split decision!


Rainandblame t1_j5rc318 wrote

2 borderline (3), 1 weak accept (4) and 1 weak reject (2). Any chances with this?


toftinosantolama t1_j5rtegr wrote

I don't have an answer to your question, but given that the reviewers don't know the scores of the rest of the reviewers during the rebuttal, a good rebuttal could raise potentially all of them, but even with 2 borderlines being raised to weak accepts, accept should be possible. Good lucks folks.


Equivalent_Future207 t1_j5rth3t wrote

3 reviewers, 2 weak reject, 1 borderline. I will do my best... but I'm not sure whether the reviews are flipped.


entarko t1_j5rujuz wrote

There is an official discussion period between reviewers and AC starting on the 31st of January. It would be weird not to know other reviewers ratings. It would be unprecedented, as it was the case for, at least, the last three years.


entarko t1_j5rvhgc wrote

Since there is a discussion period, not having access to the initial reviews would only be a waste of time. As a reviewer, you would re-write arguments from your review, which could have simply been read from the initial review.


toftinosantolama t1_j5rvxa3 wrote

Well the rating could be hidden... Not that this is the problem, the problem is that the reviews are really entitled and not willing to stand corrected. I've these so many times. And I'd bet this kind of reveiwrs are phd students, not very clever ones.


entarko t1_j5rx5mc wrote

The "entitlement" of reviewers is, quite often (I would say 50/50), a result of the authors' response. I have reviewed several papers where authors responded to fair comments by dismissing the reviewers and trying to make him feel dumb. That invariably ends up in reviewers not changing / lowering their rating.

Also, PhD students can be good reviewers.


toftinosantolama t1_j5rxq32 wrote

I don't doubt your experience. Mine is totally different. I've never flipped one reviewer even thought I've always been polite and the reviewer clearly and objectively wrong. They just don't care. They have too much power. The AC just goes with the flow. This is not peer review, it's a joke.

This is not the case in ML conferences, according to my experience, it's a CV thing...


aloo_parantha t1_j5se8dr wrote

1 reject, 1 weak reject ans 1 borderline. Is there a chance during the rebuttal process ?


Jack7heRapper t1_j5srvwo wrote

2 borderline 1 reject. If it wasn't for reviewer 3, I would've considered a rebuttal


juanigp t1_j5swklo wrote

This was my first submission, I had a worse score than you but will write a rebuttal either ways (although I doubt I can convince everyone). Why wouldn't you? I'm not judging, asking out of curiosity as I don't know the "common practice" .


Jack7heRapper t1_j5syos0 wrote

It's my first submission too, and I'm an undergrad lol.
I've heard from my seniors and professors that changing a reject (1) to borderline (3) or weak accept (4) is difficult and that you need at least all borderlines to have a shot at getting accepted. They still told me to write it anyway for the experience.
Moreover, the confidence level of that reject is 4. The problem is that the reviewer asked for experimental results on an additional dataset, which I didn't work on. So, I'm not really sure how I can improve their score.
The other reviewers weren't too harsh with their reviews and I probably could have convinced them but I don't think I can convince reviewer #3 without quantitative results to back up my claims.


synonymous1964 t1_j5sz1gg wrote

At ICCV 2021, we got a paper accepted with initial reviews of borderline, borderline, weak reject.

If the reviewers' comments are addressable, and you do so in a good rebuttal, there is a chance for acceptance with a bit of luck.


maybelator t1_j5t74ae wrote

Reviewers are not allowed to ask for more experiments. You could signal this to the area chair. But ultimately, the paper probably won't be accepted.

Do write a rebuttal however, it's a great exercise.


Expensive-Track t1_j5u30ch wrote

What's the scale of reviewer confidence scores?
Why isn't there a clear guide about this on the website or anywhere else? :/


LetWrong1932 t1_j5u9j27 wrote

1 wa, 2 b, and 1 r ... is there any chance for me?


LetWrong1932 t1_j5ul63q wrote

just curious, if a reviewer changes his/her score, can authors see it immediately or when final decision appears?


machine_learning7 t1_j5uoo02 wrote

2 strong R's, 1 weak accept. Probably a very low chance of success.

Can I add more references to the paper between now? I.e. I wish to answer some reviewers by saying I will add the references they want me to add and talk about the differences between my work and the reference.


KrakenInAJar t1_j5uwbp0 wrote

I think its one to five, but it is relativly arbitrary, the real confidence score is between the lines of the actual review. If a reviewer is inclined to change his mind it usually shows by the way the review is written.


avd4292 t1_j5v0hud wrote

4,3,4. What are the chances?


Ready-Blacksmith-411 t1_j5w7hap wrote

1 weak accept and 2 weak reject with only theoretical comments, is it possible to have opportunity to increase the score once I rebuttals well? Really worried about that


Gershel t1_j5xxpny wrote

1 WR (2) and 2 WA (4). Don't think it gets in unless I get to change the WR with a good rebuttal. But he/she basically didn't get the motivation and didn't understand the method...


steve-phan t1_j5y6u4i wrote

1 borderline and 2 weak rejects. Is there any chance?


drakesword514 t1_j600glr wrote

Scores: 5, 3, 2 The one with score 2 gave a very vague review. Hard to rebute anything or understand what the reviewer is really contesting. One with score 3 seems to be willing to change score if major points are convinced. What are my chances?


AvailablePresent1113 t1_j6cf8e9 wrote

I really want to know what is the minimum scores after rebuttal to get accepted? As after rebuttal things should only be A, WA, WR, R, will 3 WA secure acceptance or can 2 WA, 1 WR get any chance?