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EmmyNoetherRing t1_j5ulz6t wrote

So-- a few things

ChatGPT doesn't currently have access to the internet, although it's obviously working with data it scraped in the recent past, and I expect searching wikipedia from 2021 is sufficient to answer a wide array of queries, which is why it feels like it has internet access when you ask it questions.

ChatGPT is effective because it's been trained on an unimaginably large set of data, and had an unknown large number of human hours gone into supervised/interactive/online/reinforcement/(whatever) learning where an army of contractors has trained it how to deal well with arbitrary human prompts. You don't really want an AI trained just on your data set by itself.

But ChatGPT (or just plain GPT3) is great for summarizing bodies of text as it is right now. I expect you should be able to google how to nicely ask GPT3 to summarize your notes or answer questions with respect to them.