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jackilion t1_j5zk1sb wrote

I'm not working on NLP but I have seen your idea in papers on diffusion models. You are basically linearly interpolating your latent space. There are other interpolation techniques you could try, but your idea will definitely give you some insight into your latent space.

Another possibiltiy would be some kind of grid search through the latent space, tho depending on your dimensions it could be too hard.

Lastly, you could visualize the latent space by projecting it into 2 or 3 dimensions via t-SNE or something similar.


Blutorangensaft OP t1_j5zu9ti wrote

Thank you for your answer. If a paper on diffusion models pops into your mind that uses this method, feel free to post it.

How would you derive a quantitative evaluation from t-SNE? I thought it's mostly used for visualisation. I'm looking to compute some kind of score from the interpolation.


jackilion t1_j634fkx wrote

What's the point of this score?


Blutorangensaft OP t1_j6356ho wrote

Compare different autoencoders in their ability to create valid language in a continuous space. Later, I want to generate sentences in its latent space by using another neural network, and have them decoded to real sentences by the autoencoder. I want the space to be smooth because the second neural net will naturally be using gradient descent, which involves infinitesimal changes. I believe this network will perform better if the changes that happen actually represent meaningful distances between real sentences.


jackilion t1_j63e6ah wrote

There is no reason to assume your latent space will be smooth by itself. I remember a paper for image generation that had techniques for smoothing out the latent space that can be applied during training:


It's about GANs, not autoencoders, but maybe you can find some ideas in there.


Blutorangensaft OP t1_j654qyd wrote

Thank you for the reference, it looks very promising. I've heard of ways to smooth the latent space through Lipschitz regularisation, but then got disappointed again when I read "ah well it's just layer normalisation". So many things in ML come in a different appearance and actually mean the same thing once you implement them.