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tysam_and_co OP t1_j6hx45k wrote

Thanks for sharing. I think you might be missing some of the bigger picture here! Most of the changes and performance improvements did indeed come by changing the architecture, memory format, execution order, network width/etc in the right places. These are from about five previous years of experience where my primary task was architecting networks like this. I actually transferred a number of personal lessons learned into this network to get a lot of the benefits that we have here. So I'm not quite sure why they would not scale to other problems all of a sudden! ;P I guess that said, there might be some tweaks in line in order to line up with the inductive biases of the network on different datasets (in this case, say, for Imagenet 1-2 more downscaling blocks or something like that).

I also wouldn't focus in on the hyperparameter twiddling that much -- though it is important and definitely can be a trap. At the front of being a world record, every option is on the table and hyperparameters promise results but are exponentially more expensive to work with. But the 'good enough' parameter space should be pretty flat outside of it, so it's likely not too bad of a starting place.

I'm a bit curious about how this would not be reproducible on another dataset (especially if we're narrowing our inductive space -- this should increase generalization, not reduce it!). Similar to Transformers, the simpler and more scalable this architecture is, the better. One of my go-tos for people newer to the field is to encourage them to keep things as simple as possible. It pays off!

In this case, for example, before release, I just added 70 epochs and doubled the base width, and went from 94.08% to 95.77%. That's a good sign! It should at least have good basic performance on other datasets, and if something has to be changed, it's probably just a few hyperparameters, and not all of them, if that makes sense.