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iqisoverrated t1_j6wswhz wrote

Casino might just redistribute the money from the locked account once they detect such activity and deem it "bot beyond reasonable doubt". They have the hand histories so they could do that quite easily (talking about online casinos, obviously. If you manage to have bot info funneled to you at a live casino things will get tricky...but in that case you'll probably get sued for damages because they have all your personal info and your face on camera)

On the other hand: the casino got paid (the casino isn't playing poker. The casino is playing a different game called "rake") they have no loss if someone cheats that way.

Their only incentive is to avoid bad PR if it were to become public that their site is overrun by bots.

But yes: As a player who was taken before the bot got caught you're probably SOL (if it was caught after your money was already withdrawn). Just like in most other crimes if the criminal already managed to spend your money.


Ohshitwadddup t1_j6xj50j wrote

The botters or RTA users could deviate from the GTO line slightly to cover their tracks.


iqisoverrated t1_j6xm9ja wrote

Sure. They will get smarter with time. And the algos to detect them will take longer. That's the nature of evolution (pruning the stupid bots by banning them leaves the smarter bots)

So maybe they will have deviate so much eventually that they get beatable. In which case they don't fulfill their purpose anymore.

Sorta reminds me of this xkcd comic: