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bacon_boat t1_j7fbjcg wrote

I think his view reflects his disappointment as a researcher that it's not novel ideas and algorithms that lead to success. It's scale + engineering.

But anyone with a broader view sees that ChatGPT represents a massive milestone for AI.
Who really cares how novel the algorithms are, openAI built a killer product, and deserve the recognition.

Lecun is maybe also salty because Deepmind / OpenAI are perceived as leaders, and Meta isn't.


supersoldierboy94 OP t1_j7fcbh3 wrote

Meta is a leader in the research community alongside Google as top contributors. The funny thing is that he started posting that graph of AI related paper contributions to show supremacy and to undermine OpenAI and DeepMind as merely consumers of research. But Meta hasnt provided any product from their research that has reached the public. When they tried, they immediately shut it down.

He also kinda blames the public perception as to why Meta cannot publish products without scrutiny pointing the thing that people are still overly criticizing Facebook/Meta for obviously great reasons in the past.

It is indeed a massive milestone maybe a bit above Stable Diffusion. I'd still argue that Github Copilot was bigger but since its mainly for devs, it didnt get the publicity that it wanted. It's a massive milestone because common folks pondered the idea of AI takeover which have shifted every one else's perspective on the domain. It's the culmination of decades of R&D that the public can interact to -- a gateway to AI and its complexities.

Common folks and the public do not really care about sophisticated algos that never see the light of day.
