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Sirisian t1_j7hy8td wrote

Google already has a knowledge graph which can be used to guard against common mistakes ChatGPT makes with trivia and basic information. Using such a system it's possible to prevent faults in the model and potentially stop some hallucination that can occur.

I've been hoping to see one of these companies construct and reference a complete probabilistic temporal knowledge graph. The bigger topic is being able to go from entity relationships back to training data sources to examine potential faults. I digress, this is a large topic, but it's something I've been very interested in seeing, especially since information can have a complex history with a lot of relationships. (Not just for our real timeline either. Every book has its own timeline of changing information that such a system should be able to unravel).


-Rizhiy- t1_j7ilv1v wrote

I feel that they won't be trying to generate novel responses from the model, but rather take knowledge graph + relevant data from the first few responses and ask the model to summarise that/change into an answer which humans find appealing.

That way you don't have to rely on the model to remember stuff, it can access all required information through attention.