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logsinh t1_j7t1cna wrote

If the recordings are not confidential, I can process them for you (because we are not ready to publish the model yet). If you prefer public model, this one is pretty good:


CeFurkan OP t1_j7tob1u wrote

>Nvidia RTX voice

example link that you can download extract audio quickly if you wish :

also here 5 min example speech :


logsinh t1_j7tqjmm wrote

The audio is a bit distorted possibly due to noise gating. I don't see too much noise, so maybe noise reduction is not what you need. The audio has 8 kHz bandwidth (16 kHz sample rate), maybe you may try to use an audio super-resolution network such as to increase the audio bandwidth.


CeFurkan OP t1_j7tr5at wrote

yes i had tried some options obs back in time. it was probably noise gate. even i forgotten it.

thank you so much for reply gonna test that repo now


CeFurkan OP t1_j7trlei wrote

their example really good improvement but do i need training for that?

opened an issue thread but not much hope :


logsinh t1_j7tu0x1 wrote

Just download the checkpoint and use the command at Inference session. sr should be 16000


CeFurkan OP t1_j7tvbny wrote

thanks i made it work

however i got out of memory error on RTX 3060 - 12 GB vram

it is like a joke :/


logsinh t1_j7tsvku wrote

Anyway, here is the denoised audio of your example speech: There is no improvement, your best bet is audio super-resolution.

Input: Speech MOS: 4.259 Noise MOS: 4.369 Overall MOS: 3.927

Output: Speech MOS: 4.263 Noise MOS: 4.403 Overall MOS: 3.947


CeFurkan OP t1_j7ttvbm wrote

>audio super-resolution

thank you so much for answers and testing

any idea to get super resolution ? or my only option is mindslab-ai/nuwave2 ?


No_Network_3714 t1_j87lp29 wrote

I am also interested in having you process two recordings. They both a little over 40 minutes in length. If you feel you can do this, please contact me at (email address removed). Thanks.


No_Network_3714 t1_j89zlcu wrote

Thought I had previously replied. I am also interested in letting you to try and clean up my two audio files, or know when it goes public. The are both over 40 minutes, were recorded in a car and the microphone was held too close


logsinh t1_j8cnqzr wrote

Pls upload it somewhere, preferably, wav format. I will do it when I have time.


No_Network_3714 t1_j92iku0 wrote

Thank you. I have uploaded the two audio files in a wav format to Google docs but will need an email address in order to share this with you. How do you suggest you get that information to me?