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konrradozuse t1_j8a3huf wrote

You don't have to publish how anything works. If I code with other 4 guys chatgpt and we bring it online, it will take time anyone to copy it, and it will be easier to buy us.

Secret and first to market beats patent. Specially in software you can add one "moronic attention" layer and claim that does something different.

Actually patents protect more big corporations than little players they may patent hundreds of random things just in case even if is something which they haven't productize.

WhatsApp for instance, they could have been copied by any company (somehow they were copied) but was worthless.


ArnoF7 t1_j8a606r wrote

No every innovation can be materialized just by a handful of people like a software app, and not everyone who is involved in this process is your buddy and can be assumed to have good will.

In any hardware-related industry, you will need corporations to mass produce your innovations. If there is no patent system, the moment the manufacturer figures out how to produce it, the innovation is no longer yours. In fact, this is one of the major reasons there is this whole US-China trade war in the first place. Basically, local Chinese contract manufacturers have access to the manufacturing procedures of foreign companies who invent the products, so they just directly copy it and undercut their customers.

Patent also protects the interest of individual researchers who do RD for corporations. But that’s another topic.