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mc-powzinho t1_j9s2fhy wrote

I’m trying to pd.read_csv some large data files and put them into data frames for a nER project. But the kernel keeps crashing. This is in a VSCode Jupiter notebook by the way. Please let me know what i can do instead, thanks.


LazerStallion t1_j9txu4t wrote

Sounds like a memory problem - do you have enough RAM freed up to load these files into? That's what my problem was when I had a similar problem.


mc-powzinho t1_ja28i97 wrote

Know i have a terrible machine i guess.


LazerStallion t1_ja2r26r wrote

Not necessarily - could just be a huge data file. Maybe pandas can read in parts of it at a time? I'm not sure, but it could be worth looking into.