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drinkingsomuchcoffee OP t1_j8uvzdr wrote

This is such a terrible attitude to have. This isn't about money at all.

You don't pay for many services. Does this mean they should be able to treat you like garbage? Should Google be able to lock you out of all your services because their automated system falsely accused you? By your logic, you don't pay so you have no right to be annoyed.

HuggingFace is a for profit company. They will be asking for your money now or in the future. This isn't a bad thing, they need to eat too.

By even existing, HuggingFace has disincentivized possibly more competent devs from creating their own framework. That's fine, but is a very real thing. In fact it's pretty common for a business to corner a market at a loss and then ratchet up prices.

Finally you may work for a company that chooses HuggingFace and you will be forced to use the library whether you want to or not.
