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raggedtoad t1_jdsncno wrote

Reply to comment by Beasagdeux in Maine Yard Care by AppointmentNo3240

I don't give a shit if you don't have a lawn. Everyone is free to do what they want. If your front yard is just moss and pine needles, that's awesome. Low maintenance. I get it.

What I really don't like is the people like those in /r/fucklawns who make it their mission to shame other people for doing what they want with their own property.


guethlema t1_jdspbkh wrote

And like you mentioned, clover mixes don't require hardly any maintenance lol.

Yeah any subreddit that begins "fuck" is just awful. Like I agree with the tenants of that sub but i had to unsubscribe because it's just thousands of own-fart wafting and finger wagging posts.