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SplinterLips t1_jc82ziv wrote

Weird, so according to this SEC filing their assets in Maine are assessed at 2.7 billion. I wonder how CMP rounds it up to 13.5 billion in all of their commercials.


6B4C8C8 t1_jc84em6 wrote

The assets in the rate base are depreciated, so fair market value could be higher than that. Also we don't know what is and isnt included in rate base asset. Does it include their office buildings? Trucks? I honestly have no idea, but I'd imagine it's less than the total FMV of CMPs assets. The maine utility regulator might have a more detailed breakdown.

That said I doubt there's anything stopping CMP from inflating the number to 13.5bn in the commercial. So your answer is really it'll cost likely more than 2.7bn, but less than 13.5bn.


6byfour t1_jc9ydrt wrote

Put it up for sale and see if it goes for 2.7