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LizzieLouME t1_jd7wkp9 wrote

I think that's true but you don't want to be the person who dies or whose loved one dies because they have another condition & needed to go to the grocery store or doctor.

I also think many of us 1) don't have sick time or adequate sick time 2) don't have disability insurance 3) can't afford co-pays or otherwise access healthcare. There are lots of complications.

I see prevention as key. I don't see it as it's going to stick around & I don't want to die from it but its going to stick around and there are ways to lower the risk of contracting and spreading it while still living my life if others will also engage in prevention activities.

These are death stats. Likely undercounted because there is a lag time & lots of COVID related operations have been shut down.

I think, for example, wearing a high quality mask correctly in places where others have to be makes sense. (I also believe they should be provided free to people) If you want to go to a restaurant or bar or concert, unmasked, that's cool. It's not a "must do." But elders and immunocompromised community members need to grocery shop & go to the pharmacy & may even want to go to Target. Why put them at risk?