Submitted by Froggy_Study t3_1202d6e in Maine

Good day. I recently have moved to old orchard beach and was told that I have to buy city trash bags. I was told I could buy them at a local Walgreens or CVS but was told they don't sell them. So does anyone know where I'd buy them?



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rightmindedBen t1_jdfd6pr wrote



IwoJim t1_jdfj6g7 wrote

I’ve lived in OOB for a few years now and been using random trash bags the entire time. If there is a city bag it definitely isn’t enforced.


DidDunMegasploded t1_jdfif8c wrote

Hannaford might sell them. Try the one in Saco, or if they're not in stock there, try the one in Biddo.


wemustnottelllies t1_jdhadt6 wrote

The blue bags are for extra trash. You’re allowed two bags or two trash cans per week and if you have more than two full trash cans to throw away you need to use the blue bags. And I believe you get them from town hall. This is what I remember being told years ago, I don’t know if anything has changed since then.


Wendy613 t1_jdfi90e wrote

I don’t know how it works in OOB, but in Portland, you have to ask for them at the checkout


GrouchyImprovement15 t1_jdg9hav wrote

I've lived in OOB for the last 3 years. Never used a special trash bag. Just regular old glad bags. 🤷‍♀️


Pazuzu4 t1_jdfw96d wrote

I used to live in OOB. Go down to the town clerk they have them there for a pretty penny


yur2late t1_jdgpxiy wrote

I bet Landry’s would have them


kdk444 t1_jdi38id wrote

I think Hanson’s Hardware store might have them


BOOSH207 t1_jdiom1x wrote

The local hannaford/stop and shop. I bet the cities website will have more information or very least a number you can call to talk to someone that works for the city.


Admiral_sloth94 t1_je0lpc7 wrote

Shaws, Hannaford, Walmart, any grocery store really


Guygan t1_jdffbso wrote

jfc you need Reddit to answer this??


Froggy_Study OP t1_jdffich wrote

Yes 😑


Guygan t1_jdffmdr wrote

So, are you lazy, or incompetent?


TIKITIKI0228 t1_jdffro9 wrote

Bruh she's asking a fucking question. Don't be a dickhead


Guygan t1_jdfg0zz wrote

A lazy question that Google or a single phone call can answer.


DidDunMegasploded t1_jdfi87k wrote

You got infused with the dick energy tonight, didn'tja, Guygan?

Just answer the question. It's not hard. At least not for most people.


Guygan t1_jdfjltl wrote

> It’s not hard.

You know what’s also not hard?



DidDunMegasploded t1_jdfmyxg wrote

Or you could just answer the question that is being asked on Reddit and save OP a step since, y'know, they're asking here and not on Google. Someone answered with a single word and it took them 5 seconds to type it.


TIKITIKI0228 t1_jdfgda1 wrote

It's 8:30, prob no one to call, just tried googling it. Nothing comes up any other suggestions dickhead?


Guygan t1_jdfgv0b wrote

> just tried googling it. Nothing comes up

Third Google result:

> Trash bags are now sold in the Tax Office.


TIKITIKI0228 t1_jdfhcgx wrote

Hey thanks for answering the question! You sure helped out by being a jerk the whole time 👌


Guygan t1_jdfhk37 wrote

How tf do you make it to adulthood without knowing how to solve such simple issues without asking on Reddit? jfc.


TIKITIKI0228 t1_jdfhyl8 wrote

How do you have friends when you act so bitter to someone asking a simple question online? Must be fun at parties


Guygan t1_jdfi54j wrote

Next time call your mom instead of Reddit.



ReciprocityRules t1_jdfriv7 wrote

Don't use a website to solve a problem, use a website... You're a special kind of obtuse.


McHellfire t1_jdfwjv6 wrote

Local people are likely knowledgeable and can provide specific help over local questions. This is exactly what Reddit as a communication tool is good for. How is that lazy? Makes no sense. Find a hobby for fk sakes.


Tilendor t1_jdgejq7 wrote

Getting angry that people ask questions and other people answer them of their own free will appears to be one of his hobbies.


captd3adpool t1_jdjb43l wrote

It literally costs nothing to not be a dick. Like $0.00 to be a halfway decent human being. Yet here we are 🙄🤦‍♂️


Curious-Document2002 t1_jdh81zp wrote

Didn’t your parents teach you if you don’t have anything nice to say maybe just cram it?


Guygan t1_jdhzklx wrote

Did OPs parents not teach them how to use use Google to answer simple questions?


Curious-Document2002 t1_jdi077x wrote

Sometimes people in your community know better than a quick google search will yield. Even if it’s easily googleable, it’s really not a big deal. You’re coming off as deranged here for caring that much.