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hike_me t1_je4uijc wrote

This reminds me of a bagel shop in Malden Mass that existed 20-25 years ago (no idea what happened to it after that, but that was the last time I went).

It was started by a dude that immigrated from Australia. He was aboriginal Australian and a trained brain surgeon but he had some kind of vision of healing America through love and bagels.

His bagels were in the shape of a heart.


BeeBeeScars t1_je54c4g wrote

Wtf please drop the name of that bagel shop for me, I need to research this.


hike_me t1_je58xgw wrote

Wish I could remember more than that.


781irishkehd t1_je56fez wrote

Yeah I’m from Malden, so I’d love to know this ,too young to of known about this place


Grape-Snapple t1_je56ww1 wrote

in maine everybody thinks that when you start number with 781 you mean 207-781 your name just reminded me


MisterMan-Maine t1_je5n9wu wrote

Uh no? The fuck you talking about


Grape-Snapple t1_je62c5p wrote

wow didn't realize my personal experience with something not only applied to all of maine but is also something that was addressing you in particular. reeeeal apt flair


MisterMan-Maine t1_je62mat wrote

"in maine everybody thinks that when you start number with 781 you mean 207-781 your name just reminded me" You applied your personal experience to everyone in Maine.

"in maine everybody thinks" THIS RIGHT HERE. Are you friggin numb or something? Like legit


Grape-Snapple t1_je62zj7 wrote

oh okay so let me fix the particulars (by removing hyperbole and making my very innocuous statement more specific) for some chronically online pedant who wants to take offense to... what??? take your blood pressure meds bubba


MisterMan-Maine t1_je63f66 wrote

Do you need mental help man? I'm serious because you're all over the place. None of what you've said has made sense in this entire thread.


Grape-Snapple t1_je63ldj wrote

it's not my fault you're illiterate lol


MisterMan-Maine t1_je64j0i wrote

"in maine everybody thinks that when you start number with 781 you mean 207-781 your name just reminded me"


"wow didn't realize my personal experience with something not only applied to all of maine but is also something that was addressing you in particular. reeeeal apt flair"


"oh okay so let me fix the particulars (by removing hyperbole and making my very innocuous statement more specific) for some chronically online pedant who wants to take offense to... what??? take your blood pressure meds bubba"

None of that is cohesive. I'm not illiterate, but I think you might be.

How does this shit flow in your head? I'm genuinely curious.

You make some grand statement about how "everyone in maine" when they see 781 thinks 207-781 and then go on about how your personal experience doesn't apply to everyone yet you applied it to everyone with the 3 words of "Everyone in Maine" then you walk back trying to do what exactly? Talk about me taking offense? No dude I'm just pointing out how stupid you are

Then there's the multiple off the cuff remarks about me such as "reeeeal apt flair" and "take your blood pressure meds Bubba" like the fuck is that supposed to mean?

So again I ask, are you mentally unstable, do we need to get you some help?


Grape-Snapple t1_je661xe wrote

the concept of hyperbole eludes you. what a dull tool


MisterMan-Maine t1_je66j9u wrote

No, it doesn't elude me. Saying "in maine everybody thinks" isn't hyperbole, it's just being fucking stupid. Hyperbole would be me saying that my wallet weighs a shit-ton.


Grape-Snapple t1_je68ivt wrote

it's clear you're just upset because i said something subjectively "bad" about maine. want me to reassure you, you fucking toddler?

i live in maine. from my own personal experience, when i give someone my parents' phone numbers with that area code, they assume i do not mean it is an area code. you're just pissy and whiny because you feel dumb. that make you happy? no hyperbole, no exaggeration there, perfectly clear for your tiny mind. damaged bumfuck


MisterMan-Maine t1_je69m7q wrote

I'm not upset here, you are. Clearly you don't understand the situation here. You're screaming at me calling me names all for calling you out. Obviously you're upset over something so fucking trivial. You could've just said you made a mistake or whatever but you doubled down or even quadrupled down at this point just to be a dick and call me dumb and a toddler. You misread the situation and then realized you got yourself too deep into it so you threw a tantrum screaming and kicking at me just because you can. Now that's being a toddler if I've ever seen it, but I won't call you one because unlike you I'm not a complete fucking dick.

Also never once did I say anything about you saying something subjectively bad about Maine. All I said was that you were wrong.

"I live in Maine" yeah I'd fucking hope so with this being the damn MAINE SUBREDDIT.

Edit: Dude blocked me after this comment however I read his reply and he did the ol "someone has reached out to you because they're concerned" bit here on reddit


Grape-Snapple t1_je69y2u wrote

how convenient that i decided to harass you for no reason and you're just such a little good boy. i'm being a dick because you decided to get upset at my initial comment. this seems like some serious projection. see a therapist and stop calling random people online mentally ill. i'm gonna block you for my own sake


SeawolfGaming t1_je6cxuk wrote

I just read this comment thread, and I've gotta say dude you're a dick who's obviously projecting hard. The other guy was never once rude to you and just called you out for your initial comment. You kept harassing him over and over in your comments. Clearly his intital comment or you being downvoted twisted your panties because otherwise you would've been an adult and admitted you were wrong and walked away. Instead you thought "hey maybe I should shit on this person, call them stupid, a toddler, and generally be a dick"

I'd say the other guys suggestion of you needing mental help is accurate. You clearly aren't in a good mental state if your first thoughts are to just be a dick to someone over something this small. I don't think the other guy ever got upset, all he did was say "Uh no? the fuck you talking about?" That to me isn't being upset, that's just asking a question.


Coachcrog t1_je6ecpe wrote

Looks like we found u/misterman-maine alt account!


SeawolfGaming t1_je6enmo wrote

I'm my own person. I'm not an alt of anyone, nor do I have any alts, I'm just an avid user of reddit. Also it seems like you're an alt of u/grape-snapple because this is your first time ever appearing on this subreddit from what I see.


Coachcrog t1_je6g2ce wrote

I truly doubt that from your post history.


SeawolfGaming t1_je6gbpc wrote

Just because I don't post much doesn't mean shit. You on the other hand are almost certainly an alt of u/grape-snapple


Grape-Snapple t1_je6jjka wrote

yes absolutely my alt. 100%. definitely that invested in this thread.

literally what the fuck... all i did was make a generalized comment about a common misinterpretation OF AN AREA CODE FOR A PHONE NUMBER and this psycho takes it personally. not my problem! i'm outta here


picklespimp t1_je7fvx2 wrote

What a trip. Unhinged sock puppets that are befuddled by hyperbole and generalizations.


SeawolfGaming t1_je6ke1i wrote

I think you took it personally, not them. Otherwise why would you make such a big hissyfit over this?

Edit: This guy did the same thing to me as he did u/misterman-maine with blocking me and then popping the "a redditor is concerned about you"


badgerferretweasle t1_je8e1fj wrote

‘In Maine everybody thinks,’ is an exaggeration not meant to be interpreted literally. It’s the definition of hyperbole.

I would like to echo u/Grape-Snapple by saying that in my personal experience many Mainers assume that people have a 207 area code. Or they assume that you know the area code for the state is 207. Considering how much of the state relies on tourism and is made up by snowbirds and transplants one would think I wouldn’t have to hear frantic smashing of the delete key once I get to the 8th number of my phone number as often as I do.

Also, while it might not be your intent, your tone was initially aggressive and you appeared to become more aggressive at a faster rate than u/Grape-Snapple.


Resitance_Cat t1_je5i57a wrote

bagel world?


hike_me t1_je612er wrote

That doesn’t sound right but who knows. I can barely remember it. I had a college friend that was a PhD student at Boston University and he loved the place and we’d go there when I went to visit him.