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boon4376 t1_je5s3vn wrote

There are all these men that follow a version of stoicism where instead of feeling you try not to feel anything, because that's gay


ManifestDestinysChld t1_je64okj wrote

That's not Stoicism, it's just idiocy.


AmericoDelendaEst t1_je7g1dq wrote

It's the dumb guy version of stoicism. The kind that macho dudes love, but they conveniently ignore the parts about virtue and civil obligations.


ManifestDestinysChld t1_je7gqw6 wrote

A fun thing to do with those dudes is to get them talking about the Spartans (it's easy), and then bring up how they were enthusiastically homosexual, to say nothing of being the classical world's most notorious pederasts.


spandexcatsuit t1_jeb5wdj wrote

There are women who are afraid of being misjudged as a “weak woman” and there are men afraid of seeming ‘unmanly’ because it is so horrifying to be seen as unmanly. 😂 It boils down to misogyny.