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robrien1968 t1_jdzs8i2 wrote

Florida…low taxes, sunshine, and a great economy…also one of the states people are heading to in droves..


IllustriousAmbition9 t1_jdzwvvq wrote

What are you waiting for? Get out of here and head down to that backwater shithole. Propaganda is a helluva drug! Your experience living there will be a lot different from the idea that's been presented to you on Fox News!


Swimming-Surprise-50 t1_je00r65 wrote


Vvv this is in regards to the fool I was replying to who deleted their comments


boogienonymous t1_je0monf wrote

How so? I think boycotting a state that's into censoring history and banning books so as not to make old white rubes uncomfortable is a good idea.


Vavorino t1_je06s3w wrote

What does that have to do with Fox News?


FITM-K t1_je0ywfe wrote

By all means, go! Enjoy the low taxes, the sunshine, and (eventually) the impossibly high insurance costs on your underwater property! But hey, at least you'll be able to rest easy knowing that your kids will learn about sex and sexuality from random internet videos rather than qualified teachers, and that they won't be exposed to any scary books that talk about black people.


General_Pop6592 t1_je2u37y wrote

You are clueless!! Hopefully, you are still young enough to ventually watch CPRC (China) take over our country, while "you" were worry about States trying to simply maintain a civilized, conventional society.


FITM-K t1_je2vazk wrote

> CPRC (China)

The Chinese People's Republic of China? Jesus christ dude, at least get the fucking name right if you're trying to scaremonger.

> ventually watch

> "you" were worry

Leave now my man, you will fit right in in Florida lmao


boogienonymous t1_je0t4qt wrote

There are a lot of stupid people in the US. About 74 million based on the last POTUS election.


truththeavengerfish t1_je2t0p9 wrote

100% this. Based on that math it’s fair to assume that approximately 50% of people that voted in the last presidential election are fucking imbeciles


bleahdeebleah t1_jdzx1yl wrote

So you're saying we should boycott it, or did you not understand the post? I'm trying to understand this.


WalkerBRiley t1_je00osu wrote

He thinks Florida is the land of milk and honey.

But every person I know who has moved there has either come back after a year or wished they could.

People don't realize just what a cesspit Florida is.


Beginning_Key2167 t1_je0h0y8 wrote

Exactly low taxes and sunshine don’t outweigh the total cesspool Florida is. I lasted 6 months in the 90’s I wouldn’t last 2 days the way Florida is presently. I have been lucky enough to travel to a lot of states in our country. Florida hands-down was the worst experience out of any of them.