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New_Sun6390 t1_je9zfxi wrote

>The local cartel. (CMP

For the zillionth time:

CMP is NOT your electricity supplier.

Standard Offer comes from New Brunswick Power and NextEra; CMP simply bills on their behalf and sends the money you pay along to them. The MPUC arranges standard offer thru a bidding process. CMP gets no revenue or benefit from standard offer.

CMP is not a cartel; it is a utility regulated by the MPUC. They do their best to provide reliable delivery service at a reasonable price. They are not perfect but they do what they can within the rules and laws that govern them.


[deleted] t1_jebe8yd wrote



New_Sun6390 t1_jebmcpp wrote

So many inaccuracies here it is hard to know where to start.

I have spent much time on these threads trying to spread the FACT that CMP has zero control over electricity supply prices. This has been the case since the State of Maine passed a law to restructure the industry in 2000.

The state seizing $13 billion in power grid assets from CMP and Versant (and passing those costs, plus interest, along to customers) will do NOTHING to change supply costs. Absolutely NOTHING. The suppliers will continue to gouge customers because the state utility still will not own any supply.

CMP is by no means perfect, but forcing customers to pay $13 BILLION plus legal costs for assets that are not for sale will not improve the situation. At. All.

Please educate yourself on the actual facts.