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Guygan t1_jdo2j3u wrote

Kid, if you're trying to get banned (so edgy and original!!!) then just post some porn. It's far quicker.


iceflame1211 t1_jdo25qp wrote

"Acceptable" perhaps... but claiming one of the most controversial pizza toppings belongs on pizza is quite a stretch- even if you like pineapple.

Not sure this is the subreddit you're looking for though?


svengoalie t1_jdo2nup wrote

This is the guy trying to get kicked off of every state subreddit. He's finding it difficult in r/Maine.


DidDunMegasploded t1_jdoufpb wrote

You'd have to be really high on...well, weed, but heroin or meth will do, to go "a great idea for the modern man is to get banned from every state subreddit on the popular social media site Reddit".

I'd have thought OP was a karma farmer. A "karmer", if you will. But what even is the point of this? Unfunny lolz? Shitty bragging rights?


Henbogle t1_jdo4jcz wrote

Yes. With pepperoni and red pepper flakes.


indyaj t1_jdo6c4n wrote


BTW, you are such a lazy fuck. This will not get you banned. Next time read the rules. Pick one that will get you banned and break it. Do I have to everything for you?


rightmindedBen t1_jdo8po3 wrote

I dislike hot Hawaiian pizza but actually enjoy it cold the next day, but not enough to order it.


800grandave t1_jdpphiq wrote

Possibly true. Your post doesnt belong on this sub, however


Vexans t1_jdqenj7 wrote

Hard pass - no