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hike_me t1_jcxrs3u wrote

I think the Volta climbing gym in Trenton occasionally has a queer climbing night.

Also, you could try getting involved in the Bar Harbor Pride group:


Andre1001235 t1_jcy1mxt wrote

Just walk down the street with rainbow anything


Countvernon t1_jd0h1c9 wrote

Midcoast and south are queer dense. Some might say a queer community with a large straight contingent. I would suggest becoming active in social activities like land trust groups, trail maintainers, pro-social causes, benefits for nonprofit organizations, yada, yada. Do what you love and wear and be a rainbow. Get your coffee in Ellsworth at Rooster. Unitarian church in Belfast is a very good bunch of people. Facebook might be a good place to keep track of social events. Bangor has stuff going on. Bar Harbor might be difficult to find energy.


emmahope098 t1_jd9dwyu wrote

I’ve lived in Bar Harbor. It’s very safe and queer friendly. Tinder is honestly a good place to talk to people there I feel like. I’m not queer but a close friend of mine is, and it’s the type of place where everybody knows each other. Just be nice, you’ll have a bunch of friends in No time - I mean that.


Seyword t1_jcxvhkf wrote



iglidante t1_jczvpv4 wrote

Is there an active LGBTQ+ community on Craigslist? Or are you one of those folks who equates "not being cis/straight" with "sexually promiscuous/deviant"?


Ordinary_Refuse556 OP t1_jd1gz4t wrote

For real though! I’ll never understand this automatic reaction. I’m a queer in a hetero marriage wherein the most deviant thing we do is argue loudly and in public about the queerness of Sam and Frodo. I just want friends to join in the fun nerdy debate, not join in an orgy 🙄