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freeski919 t1_jbm5fya wrote

I don't like any radio shows that feature primarily talk on a music format station. Sports radio, sure. NPR, great. Morning drive time shows on music stations? Uniformly garbage.


Due-Set5398 t1_jbnpiuk wrote

Anytime a coworker brings up Free Beer and Hot Wings, I judge them for being uncultured swine.


Lerch737 t1_jbnrocj wrote

HA! So I'm not the only one. Plus Tom-O and Mr Mike is 5000% better


Lemonchicken207 t1_jbocqx8 wrote

Yes I had a co-worker tell me how much he loves morning drive time shows and I don't understand it at all. I pay for Sirius XM partially just to avoid all the talking lol.