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zachobsonlives t1_jctnfz1 wrote

They would/should have left a receipt showing how much they put in. Or call them and ask. How big are your tanks? Average price for propane in Maine is around $3.25/gallon. So them adding 30-ish gallons to each tank seems normal to me. I have 2ea. 120 gallon tanks which I let run pretty low and just spent $600 filling up last week.


poopsiepye OP t1_jcty11l wrote

You’re correct that it was about 30 gallons. The one for the fireplace was pretty high, but the one got the generator was absolutely over the top. The only time we got it filled by that much was after that days-long power outage over Christmas, and we didn’t have any outages since then.


poopsiepye OP t1_jctyb0j wrote

Additionally, they come out once a month to fill, so it’s not like it falls to levels that low


Mist_deBall t1_jcvqz7r wrote

I just paid $6.20/gallon thru DownEast energy. How is it possible they are charging almost twice the average? What is everyone else paying?


zachobsonlives t1_jcvvc82 wrote

That does seem high. Here’s the website I used to grab the average: Maine Heating Fuel Prices

I’d check with them, ask them why they are nearly double the average. Was it an emergency delivery? Off hours?

Or may be dependent on how much you use, or don’t use: “Households using propane just for cooking or hot water generally pay a higher per gallon price.”