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zezar911 t1_jddva1z wrote

i don't know a single teacher (and i know a lot, living all over the state) with a single class with less than 15 students


snowellechan77 t1_jde2j7t wrote

Windham typically has excellent teacher student ratios.


zezar911 t1_jdea7in wrote

i would imagine the wealthier districts are doing better in regard to this ratio than less affluent ones, but nothing radical/ground breaking about that statement, of course


NotLindyLou t1_jdeebfq wrote

Biddo and saco definitely have less than 15 students.


Vryimpatnt t1_jdgxs72 wrote

Pretty much every class my kids have been a part of have between 12-16 kids and every class in the school I work at has the same numbers.