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NotLindyLou t1_jdedwoq wrote

I work in a district where folks complain about having 15 students in a class for 4, 60 minute classes a day (five total with one prep). I came from a district near Albany, NY where we had 30+ students and not enough seats or books (5 classes, 40-45 min, with 2 preps). Many of the teachers I work with have never worked in another state, so they have nothing to compare their conditions to.


A-roguebanana t1_jdeqnft wrote

I’ve never only ever taught in Maine and 15 is the sweet spot for 7-12. I consider myself lucky to never have had 30-40 students some teachers have.

Can’t believe anyone would complain about 15 students.


Vryimpatnt t1_jdgxl0e wrote

I taught in CA for 15 years before moving here. My first year, and most of the next, class had 34 fifth graders. 25 were at some sort of English Language Acquisition level, 10 had IEPs. It was hard, but we did it. I don't get how Maine isn't knocking it out of the park, I really don't. My class this year has 18 kids, no ELA students and 3 IEPs. HOW in the heck do CA kids outperform ours? OR...why are our kids not outperforming theirs by a massive amount? I don't get it...


pearithead t1_jdfdbbr wrote

This is a fact at all the schools I have worked in. Coming from an Atlanta suburb I giggle.


jinnaquyn t1_jdjyjdc wrote

Same here!!! I came from 24 students, 5 SPed, 4 ESOL, 6 RTI Tier 2 at a suburb of Atlanta as well and now I have 9 kiddos total! I love the class size and the learning that is going on is simply amazing compared to behavior management/baby sitting I use to do in GA!


pearithead t1_jdk5z9o wrote

Gwinnet County is where I grew up taught in Hall.


jinnaquyn t1_jdon982 wrote

I grew up in Gwinnett, worked for them for 11 years and then moved over to Walton Co. for 3 before moving to Maine. I love it here!


pearithead t1_jdosc72 wrote

Black Knight 95 here


jinnaquyn t1_jdrt39v wrote

Black Knight 98! That is too cool, how'd you end up in Maine? I just got here in June, will never go back to the south!


pearithead t1_jds5739 wrote

Drug problem. Wife drug me here. She is from SoPo. Good chance we know each other just sayin.