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Sixfeatsmall05 t1_jcftrk8 wrote

But we are pointing out all the realities of the situation that make also factor into the equation. A later start time would improve their learning, but learning is not currently failing so you then need to say what would be the cost of this incremental adjustment, and that’s where all of these other points come in. Then it’s a cost benefit of “is this incremental improvement worth getting rid of school sports, screwing up bussing etc” to which we are saying no it’s not worth it. No one is arguing with the premise of the data we are arguing whether the implementation is worth it


determania t1_jcfving wrote

The comment I was responding to was just straight up accusing people in favor of later start times of misinterpretation of studies which is a bad argument imo. You are making a completely different bad argument here. Sports are good for kids, but I cannot agree that they should take preference over learning. Bussing is an issue, but to act like it can’t be solved and kids have to start school unreasonably early just strikes me as a lazy argument.