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redditmainee t1_jds8ko2 wrote

Lmao @ people on reddit saying there’s no bad parts of portland ; while asking why there’s guns on the ground? Can’t make this shit up


DidDunMegasploded t1_jdsa7ip wrote

There ya go, someone with reason.

I've lived here in Maine for 20+ years. My first-ever gunshot that I heard was right down the street from my house, near where the incident OP is describing took place but not in the same spot. And that's not the only bad thing I've witnessed in the 5 years I lived in downtown Portland. The constant sounds of ambulances and fire trucks are just one of the reasons I moved the fuck away from there first chance I got.

Mainers are so heavily swayed and hypnotized by the fact that Maine is a low-crime state that they forgo any and all semblance of common sense. Maine is a low-crime state, but that doesn't mean I won't lock my doors every chance I get and carry pepper spray in my purse whenever I go out.


redditmainee t1_jdsatk7 wrote

Exactly. Some people just can’t help themselves with the “what aboutism”

We’re not comparing Baltimore and Portland. And if you think there’s no bad parts of portland? Okay… walk around down on Oxford st looking like you have money, maybe with a Gucci or Louie bag, get back to me…


Maine_Target207 t1_jdsbwa8 wrote

Portland is pretty safe compared to how it was 25 years ago. FSU and PSU ran the streets. OutLaws and Iron Horsemen shooting at each other in tattoo shops… I’m a delivery driver in Portland and will say even the loser druggys from Elm to Oxford are pretty harmless


redditmainee t1_jdscdyy wrote

Yeah I suppose. Speaking of fsu, I spotted one of their members riding a motorcycle around when it was -15 a few weeks back. The meth has to be super strong these days


DidDunMegasploded t1_jdsfbtx wrote

Sadly, using whataboutisms is common whenever I, or anyone else, brings up that Maine is not a crime-free state or, in this case, Portland is a bad city. They always have to bring up an entirely different city in an entirely different state that...well, most of the time, is more dangerous than anything Maine has to offer, just because...I guess they have to be right or something. It's funny to watch but also sad at the same time.

You're not gonna bait me into talking about cities or states I've never been to and their crime stats that I know nothing about. Not happening.


redditmainee t1_jdsfkz3 wrote

“Oh you think portland has bad areas?! How about I bring up two cities that are in the top ten for crime rates in America!!!”

… uhhh okay? Lol


ppitm t1_jdsb6fc wrote

> The constant sounds of ambulances and fire trucks are just one of the reasons I moved the fuck away from there first chance I got.



DidDunMegasploded t1_jdsf6qt wrote

> just one of the reasons

Read that again, but slowly.


ppitm t1_jdsizgy wrote

I read your other post, so the other reasons are presumably various flavors of delusion.


DidDunMegasploded t1_jdsoc2l wrote

Only to someone that leaves their doors unlocked and walks around without protection not named "a condom" in Maine.

To smart people, that's not the case. I didn't move because of delusion. I moved to keep myself safe in a safer city. Smart people would, too. You don't seem like one of them.


ppitm t1_jdsqqo2 wrote

My Portland door is unlocked right now, lol.

Now I do understand that you had to move somewhere else to find a place with the padded walls.


DidDunMegasploded t1_jdst7xk wrote

Classic deflection from a person with no common sense. Keep playin' the hits and living in your delusion! I'll keep being smart.


Fearless-Factor-8811 t1_jdsbgis wrote

Again. The hospital is down the street. That would explain the sirens. I work as an ER nurse. Patients get shipped from all parts of the state all day and night to Maine med. Lights and sirens. Does not indicate a lot of violence in the neighborhood. I lived between 295 and Maine med for a while, I don't remember ever noticing a siren.

You heard a gunshot and several other things in 5 years living in a city? That is not super surprising.

It's a city.

And yes. I was surprised to see a gun on the median strip in what is a pretty calm residential neighborhood. Seemed interesting.


DidDunMegasploded t1_jdsg4jg wrote

Ohhhh, so you're a nurse. You're not in the law profession. That explains a lot.

Again, I'm aware of where the sirens are coming from. I have a good sense of direction. I know where the hospital is. I've been to the hospital before. If I didn't have a good sense of direction then I'd be fucked over.

That being said, I never insinuated that ambulances and firetrucks = "Portland is a bad city". That's nonsensical, "I just pulled a hammy" reaching. People get hurt all the time, whether they're shot by a gun or have a heart attack. Pretty normal stuff. I'm not factoring that into the equation.

Hearing all that stuff was surprising in my first year of living there because I lived in the suburbs all my life, not in the city, and thus, that's what I was used to. I grew numb to it after that. Almost any Joe Nobody would be surprised to see a gun on the median strip in a residential neighborhood, but when you've seen enough things, it becomes more of a "meh" thing to you. Obviously, that was probably not true in your case. It was true in mine. You do you.


redditmainee t1_jdsbxp9 wrote

“ You heard a gunshot and several other things in 5 years living in a city? That is not super surprising.

It's a city.

And yes. I was surprised to see a gun on the median strip in what is a pretty calm residential neighborhood. Seemed interesting. “

This is comedy, who needs bob Marley?


redditmainee t1_jdsbyfi wrote

“ You heard a gunshot and several other things in 5 years living in a city? That is not super surprising.

It's a city.

And yes. I was surprised to see a gun on the median strip in what is a pretty calm residential neighborhood. Seemed interesting. “

This is comedy, who needs bob Marley?
