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DidDunMegasploded t1_jdsg4jg wrote

Ohhhh, so you're a nurse. You're not in the law profession. That explains a lot.

Again, I'm aware of where the sirens are coming from. I have a good sense of direction. I know where the hospital is. I've been to the hospital before. If I didn't have a good sense of direction then I'd be fucked over.

That being said, I never insinuated that ambulances and firetrucks = "Portland is a bad city". That's nonsensical, "I just pulled a hammy" reaching. People get hurt all the time, whether they're shot by a gun or have a heart attack. Pretty normal stuff. I'm not factoring that into the equation.

Hearing all that stuff was surprising in my first year of living there because I lived in the suburbs all my life, not in the city, and thus, that's what I was used to. I grew numb to it after that. Almost any Joe Nobody would be surprised to see a gun on the median strip in a residential neighborhood, but when you've seen enough things, it becomes more of a "meh" thing to you. Obviously, that was probably not true in your case. It was true in mine. You do you.