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WangnanJahad t1_iu60r7z wrote


There are extremely clear guides listed under Title 28a Section 706 of the Maine Legislature as to what qualifies as a legally binding ID.


DifferenceMore5431 t1_iu69m5z wrote

IANAL but that section says "licensee MAY refuse to serve liquor to any person who fails to display" (emphasis added). Does not say "MUST". Also the only IDs permitted under that section are issued by the state of Maine... are you saying that nobody from out of state can by alcohol.


chumble98 OP t1_iu6ihhk wrote

yea! thats why i asked, because according to the guidelines, my OMP card basically qualifies under the guidelines of what an id is + it IS a state issued identification, but i didn’t feel like driving an hour+ with friends to find out people wont take it 😅