Submitted by chumble98 t3_yft14s in Maine

Weird question, misplaced my ID and don’t have time with work to go get an ID card or new license before this Halloween weekend. I work in a dispensary, I just got my new OMP card. It has my photo, DOB, state flag/symbol on the back, and it says its issued by the state house in Augusta. For those who don’t know, having one of those automatically means I’m 21+, as you can’t be under 21 and working in cannabis. Idk, I know its a loooong shot, but I thought I’d try! (I can post a pic of it with my info crossed out if people have questions)



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itsnever2late4now t1_iu50zse wrote

If you're asking if you can use it to buy alcohol, the answer is a definitive no. Not legally. That doesn't mean someone won't take it, but they'll be breaking the law if they do. But it's worth a shot, it's not like you'll get in trouble or anything.

Edit: I feel like that last part reads sarcastic haha. You are 21, so the worst thing that can happen is they say no, and then you just go to a different place and try. Someone might take it.


chumble98 OP t1_iu5wtu8 wrote

No totally! And I really wasn’t tryna be sarcastic, its more I live in the middle of NOWHERE and at the gas station where they know me, I’ve gotten by, but didn’t feel like driving 1+ hour to find out I can’t go out 😅

edit and I wanted to make sure people knew I meant caregivers card VS a medical card


Silktrocity t1_iu7bdck wrote

The problem with OMP cards is that they don't use the same protection standards to prevent falsification. Thus why they wouldn't/shouldnt be considered for the purpose of buying alcohol.

You may be able to get away with it at some places, but the clerk themselves would not be properly doing their job if they accepted this card vs a true State identification. This could also get them in quite a bit of trouble.


Cougardoodle t1_iu5vc21 wrote

Nah, I've tried. Lost my whole wallet, and no one from the notary to Hannafords would take my weed card as ID.

It was a slow few weeks waiting for the new one. AND THEN I FOUND THE OLD ONE LIKE THREE DAYS LATER.


WangnanJahad t1_iu60r7z wrote


There are extremely clear guides listed under Title 28a Section 706 of the Maine Legislature as to what qualifies as a legally binding ID.


DifferenceMore5431 t1_iu69m5z wrote

IANAL but that section says "licensee MAY refuse to serve liquor to any person who fails to display" (emphasis added). Does not say "MUST". Also the only IDs permitted under that section are issued by the state of Maine... are you saying that nobody from out of state can by alcohol.


chumble98 OP t1_iu6ihhk wrote

yea! thats why i asked, because according to the guidelines, my OMP card basically qualifies under the guidelines of what an id is + it IS a state issued identification, but i didn’t feel like driving an hour+ with friends to find out people wont take it 😅