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YolksOnU t1_isa99yh wrote

That's just the thing too, particularly when you get outside of Portland.

The people that live here chose not to build a place where their children could grow up, have careers, own homes, and raise families.

And this is the end result.


[deleted] t1_isac7zx wrote

The greatest generation treated Maine very well and left plenty for the younger generation. However they are all egoists clearly, it's all "pull up your boot straps", and as out of touch as you can get.

They will not build more housing, they will only build rentals. The price of houses can't drop, they need as much tax money as possible and just keep spending it on frivolous things.

Immigrant labor will continue to be bused up, and housed by ACAP, bleeding money.

Presque Isle is building an "aerospace park", subsidizing an Air BnB through the library, and are building a recreation center. I just don't get it, it's a clown show.


The Millennials barely received any wealth from the Boomers, what they did get they were lucky to have because they just happened to be born earlier than the rest. All that's left for the younger generation are mill jobs, walmart, and mcdonalds. Since they all pay the same, guess where they're going?