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Elouiseotter t1_isaczc0 wrote

When I was up visiting family last year they were complaining about people wanting to build more housing in town. Then then asked when I think I’ll move back to Maine. These people just don’t get it.


LumpyBumpyToad t1_isajgqx wrote

When they came around Auburn with their little clipboards because they hated the rezoning I asked three different people for solutions.


Fucking nothing. The same generation that cries about the death of community in America are the ones who killed it by only caring about themselves.


[deleted] t1_isal5zw wrote

The same people saying "No handouts" are the same people having their businesses subsidized by tax payer money.


_freeheeler_ t1_isavz97 wrote

I have a buddy who works at a Marina, and he was ringing off names of people's parents we know who came in and bought boats, one guy bought two boats. Hit the PPP loan site and he had 250k given to him. These are same people complaining about the 10k given to people with college debt.


[deleted] t1_isc4l74 wrote


Tax debt is being forgiven everywhere and the town is only putting up receipts for a dollar. It's crazy to watch once you're apart of it.


portlandmainedad t1_isceafi wrote

And also say "no one wants to work anymore!" Meanwhile... record employment numbers.


YolksOnU t1_isambvd wrote

That generation voted to have low taxes for themselves, low wages for their employees, no new neighbors, and a 30-40 year vacation at the end of their life on taxpayer funds with heavily subsidized health care to boot. There's your fucking problem with America, right there.


[deleted] t1_isafmqv wrote

Presque Isle is a slush funding town for businesses, because they're hoping they alleviate the workforce problem. Unfortunately when the town government itself takes advantage of this, it's borderline corrupt. Friends and family get employed by trusts created by a corporation that was created by a council, subsidized by the town, run by "big business".

The audacity of it is amusing.

They are enjoying their manufactured housing crisis every time they transport outside residents up here. Then they get more federal funding, and claim those are the budget issues.

It's quite criminal the way they are spending tax payer money.


Fireonpoopdick t1_isdoq4w wrote

Almost like the rich are trying to buy out the locals because there is water here and everywhere else will be desert in 30 years.


[deleted] t1_isejz9o wrote

This is the truth, they want landowners out and selling. If they just can hold on, we might see progress, but they're manufacturing the situation as is to push them out.