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buckythelucky t1_iu3zqnw wrote

Well you clearly have no argument, just insults. So yeah i do. At least you know how to use emoji’s πŸ‘


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu40d5h wrote

Glad you understand how to use emojis too, republicans are notorious for being Incompetent moronsπŸ˜‚ again, I wasn't arguing or insulting you. I just couldn't imagine saying such stupid statements like rEd WaVe ComInG on such a widely used platform. If I were you, I would be embarrassed..but judging from your responses already I don't believe you know how stupid you truly are.


buckythelucky t1_iu40rsu wrote

LOL. Maybe you should look at the margins for the midterm polls. People are going to vote republican because democrats are shit!


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu41f9r wrote

Keep wishing your party of racist morons winsπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


buckythelucky t1_iu4edw6 wrote

Give me your address so i can mail you tissues


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4erfh wrote

Give me your address so I can laugh at the trump 2020 signs you still have up


buckythelucky t1_iu4kkez wrote

You are a 🀑


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4kpaw wrote

Haha so you do have them upπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ weird cult vibes


buckythelucky t1_iu4kve6 wrote

Nope! πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ‘


Bassfishing98 t1_iu4bqwu wrote

Liberal brain rot. You realize democrats killed Lincoln, mlk, started the kkk and civil war, Jim Crow law, gun laws to prevent blacks and minorities from owning guns. But yeah, the republicans are the racist ones 🀑


Bassfishing98 t1_iu4box7 wrote

Liberal brain rot. You realize democrats killed Lincoln, mlk, started the kkk and civil war, Jim Crow law, gun laws to prevent blacks and minorities from owning guns. But yeah, the republicans are the racist ones 🀑


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4btdy wrote

Your delusions are strong young tampon.


Bassfishing98 t1_iu4e0si wrote

lol, can’t wait to see you crying on here in a couple weeks


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4eanl wrote

All your cult does is cry and complain when they loseπŸ˜‚ you pussies couldn't even storm the capital without fucking up🀣🀣🀣 go find your safespace tampon.


Bassfishing98 t1_iu4igyo wrote

The 2,000 people who stormed the Capitol doesn’t make up for the whole party so try again. At least republicans can run a country right. The fact you can’t even debate and just spew shit is laughable. Could call you a tampon but no pussy would let you near it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4iu7l wrote

What on earth thinks I'm here to debate politics?🀣🀣🀣 especially with a closest tronald dump worshipping clown? Seriously snowflake, don't get so offended πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Bassfishing98 t1_iu4kcyb wrote

Lmao, takes more than a half breed braindead calling me a tampon to offend me. All I gotta say is democrats are racist to set you off. Are your pronouns fucking/moron?


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4kmwy wrote

Set me off? What makes you think you set me off snowflake? You seem awfully upset. You definitely seem like a typical inbred cult member πŸ˜‚


Bassfishing98 t1_iu4l3lp wrote

Ouch you really got me. See you at the polls buddy! Actually are you even old enough to vote?


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4miws wrote

I was old enough to vote when we made sure tronald lostπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Bassfishing98 t1_iu49xii wrote

I’d be embarrassed to call myself a liberal while the country is going to shit under democrats. The red wave is coming!


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4ae7g wrote

Bahahaha you're just another tampon for the rEd WaVe πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚