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DaisyLouD t1_iu2ju7t wrote

Ngl I didn't realize what subreddit this was for a solid minute and I was just trying to figure out why Wales was upset with us


Wolvel t1_iu40cqv wrote

same, I was very confused. (downeast mainer here)


TheDiceMan2 t1_iu463pu wrote

okay this is hilarious bc at first i just saw the thumbnail and wales on my desktop and assumed it was some politics post from across the pond because i follow a few UK subs. hilarious to see this now on mobile with the maine sub clearly visible and to realize that others had the same reaction


badhmorrigan t1_iu2wlzp wrote

Everyone in my house already voted. Absentee ballots FTW.


Sonofabeechikeelu t1_iu3l0fo wrote

Brought mine directly to city hall. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.


Erulastiel t1_iu3oa2x wrote

If only some of us didn't work during city hall operating hours haha.


Sonofabeechikeelu t1_iu3ppod wrote

Yours doesn’t have a drop box? Sad.


Erulastiel t1_iu3s8me wrote

I have no idea. Not that I want to drive 20 minutes to town hall and 20 back after working for 11 hours a day and commuting for 2 hours. The blue mailbox at the end of the road will suffice.


SodaFlavoredSweat t1_iu3prxs wrote

The trick is to vote more than once. I heard George Soros is giving everyone $200 for that.

Edit: downvotes from Mainers who can’t detect sarcasm.


TheUnknownNut22 t1_iu3u2sp wrote

You are good at Fox News talking points.


SodaFlavoredSweat t1_iu3vy0m wrote

Don’t need Fox when I’m swimming in Soros bucks.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iu4d5wq wrote

Your sarcasm was obvious. This subreddit gets really pissed off when you call it on how bad it is at reading sarcasm, too, so you’re not getting those upvotes back.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu4bng1 wrote

I'm going out with a friend on Election Day, and I unfortunately passed the 21-day window to mail voter registration in, so it's off to City Hall, the polls, and then somewhere for a bite to eat.


kintokae t1_iu4iqwe wrote

Same here. I just dropped mine off at the town office yesterday. They even have a booth set up in the conference room for early voters who might need assistance.


3490goat t1_iu5bf7s wrote

I really like absentee voting for a lot of reasons. My main reason is I’m not rushed and if there is a candidate or proposition I’m unclear on I can do a little research before I make an uninformed choice. And I can do it when I want without fitting it around work or the kids’ activities


badhmorrigan t1_iu5kie7 wrote

Yeah, my husband and I talk over the propositions and all. Sometimes you have to read them aloud a time or two to actually figure out what they are saying.


3490goat t1_iu5uckf wrote

Absolutely, and figure out who’s funding them


DiscussionStatus4939 t1_iu30jyy wrote

Shot hole.


worlds_okayest_skier t1_iu41irn wrote

I read shot hole too. I guess the “eye” is a stand in for “I”. But it doesn’t work.


TheDiceMan2 t1_iu4693t wrote

at best, at the VERY best- sh-eye-t hole. this ≠ shithole


Bywater t1_iu2j3xw wrote

Cry for mental health care right there Bub.


DudebroMcDangman t1_iu2wwci wrote

I like the idea that this guy isn’t actually politically motivated so much as he just really hates acronyms.


HumanClaymore t1_iu3sli6 wrote

Just an aside, as it's something I learned not long ago: these are abbreviations, not acronyms. Acronyms are abbreviations that make a word


DudebroMcDangman t1_iu3txrs wrote

Technically these three are neither - they’re initialisms since each letter is pronounced. Abbreviations are single shortened words (to use this sign: Dems = Democrats), acronyms represent multiple words but are pronounced as a word themselves (NASA), and initialisms are like FBI, KFC, AMC, USA since each letter is still pronounced. I went with acronym since initialism just didn’t work as well in my already not-funny joke.

pushes up glasses 🤓


andsendunits t1_iu3arwd wrote

The pure lack of critical thinking of people like him on the Right is just embarrassing, and scary as hell.


cylon_h t1_iu3o01l wrote

They'll start shooting before too long.


BigSquinn t1_iu3tqis wrote

Sorry to say it but they’ve already started


graciadedios t1_iu4130b wrote

What are you talking about? This is as brain dead as the OP calling the other side nazi’s

Also fuck the IRS


r_hove t1_iu45wh2 wrote

They’re just as bad as people on the right. “Vote blue no matter who” is their philosophy, not vote for the best candidate.


[deleted] t1_iu3ud91 wrote



megavikingman t1_iu3vsum wrote

It's not about who uses the term, it's about who uses it correctly. Fascism has clear tenets and a pattern they use to rise to power. They attack media, intellectuals, and schools, erode trust in government and democratic elections, all mixed up in nationalist rhetoric like "make [nation-state] great again" and identify "other" groups to blame for that nations problems, usually queer communities and minority ethnic groups.

Do you see the pattern yet?


[deleted] t1_iu3wcxs wrote



Armigine t1_iu3xpm4 wrote

It seems like you don't like people identifying historical similarities


[deleted] t1_iu3y68z wrote



FITM-K t1_iu3ztuj wrote

> Labeling someone a nazi when they don't self-identify as a nazi is simply political idiocracy.

....what? No. Is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea democratic? How people "self-identify" in politics is irrelevant, what matters is what they DO.


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu3staq wrote

Let's not pretend that the left has all the answers


herpderpiddy t1_iu3tw04 wrote

They certainly don't by any means. But it seems the Right wants to actively move us backwards


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu3z89p wrote

And it seems like the left wants to rewire the way humans have always been for 100,000 of years


deadstump t1_iu41kt5 wrote

I love that this is the best Republican response. As if being a dick to trans people is the virtuous move.


MrFittsworth t1_iu457ld wrote

There have been gay and trans brown black and white people for as long as people have been loosely defined as people.

Your hate speech just makes you look dumb and lazy to everyone. I don't expect self reflection but my God, this isn't the strongest "argument" from the anti 'basic human fucking rights" crowd I've heard to date lol


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu46xmi wrote

Yes gay people have been around for centuries, yes there have been people who believed they were born with the wrong body parts. But the percentile of people in today's age is within the 1%. Right now, it is a social contagion. The left and progressives, without conversation, will insult, defame without any proof. You are lazy and ignorant. Combat with speech, not insults, child.


MrFittsworth t1_iu47cnf wrote

Social contagion lol

Take a fucking sociology class. This is the same rhetoric that came around when homosexuality wasn't as stigmatized. 'they're everywhere! The rates are exploding!' no. They were always here, they just aren't forced to hide anymore. Trans and non binary people have always been here, they just aren't being shamed out of existence anymore.

"prohibition doesn't work, why should we ban (x) people will just get them illegally". It is the same argument, except these are people. You absolute trash bag.

You're a bigot. There is no other words to use. I feel so bad for you.


Fast-Connection9063 t1_iu4k1fo wrote

WhY bAn GuNs WhEn PeOpLe WiLl JuSt GeT tHeM iLlEgAlLy?


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu5met5 wrote

Uh ya dumby, do some research on crimes stats, and amount of people who commit them who are legal owners vs. Those who are illegal owners. The answers to your dumb comment are in the research.


Fast-Connection9063 t1_iu5pio7 wrote

What dumb comment? I just compared this person's comment to a statement I thought of. I didn't even say my political opinion. Frankly both Republicans and Democrats have downsides so I don't generally talk about politics.

But now that we are at it, Maine actually has very few violent crimes. That may be partially due to the fact that we don't have many gun free zones so criminals know they'll get a hole in them if they do indeed commit a crime. And it may be partially due to the fact that we have more trees than people lol.


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu5m6b2 wrote

You and every upvoter I feel bad for. This progressive experimental eutopia you've been promised does not end well for man kind and society, so careful what you wish for...


MrFittsworth t1_iu5mhez wrote

Are you a time traveler now? You know how this all goes? You've seen anything REMOTELY comparable to this in history? Elaborate, in detail, please.

How wise of you, to predict that hate and vitriol is the secret to utopia. Not checks notes freedom of self and being regardless of the person you choose to love or identify as.

Sure thing champ, what a stupid way to exist lol


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu5pzf8 wrote

What a dumb comment. Good luck


MrFittsworth t1_iu5q4uz wrote

You've offered no reasonable discourse, you've spewed hate and partisan parrot talking points, claimed to know the future, and only displayed how much of a bigot you are.

Your upbrininging failed you. Be better.


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu61le5 wrote

I've offered no reasonable discourse? Here's a tip, when someone disputes your take don't fire back with insults. That's not called discourse. That's called being a dick because I have nothing else to add, reddit or not, that's a lame response to anyone offering up discourse.


MrFittsworth t1_iu64aed wrote

You're spewing bigotry and hate. At the least you deserve insults. Don't like it? Be a better person. Not sorry.


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu69lke wrote

You are stupid and If I knew you I'd sue you for deformation. Have a cheery day.


MrFittsworth t1_iu6e14m wrote

Lol. That's not how the internet, or the law works. But sure, keep digging the ever convincing hole you're in. Welcome to public forum, where you are allowed to speak your mind AND be held accountable for your words at the same time!


DiscussionStatus4939 t1_iu46j79 wrote

Hahahaha I’m sorry but this just sounds so stupid. I’ve read it like 27 times and it just sounds so ridiculous every time! You sound like such a sheep. Baaaaaaaaaa.


andsendunits t1_iu6h1xq wrote

They are at least making an effort to come up with answers to problems, not just pretending nothing can or should be done.


NdNemperor207 t1_iu30kvv wrote

You heard it here ladies and gentlemen, the people catching nationwide serial killers and rapists are nazis.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu33xci wrote

Our country's such a shot hole, in fact, that you will not believe how many hole in 10s we've gotten!


WangnanJahad t1_iu38tju wrote

Sh-eye-te hole. Shite hole. Shit hole.

He thinks he's being clever. He's just proving what a dipshit he is.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu3euab wrote

Ohhh...should have looked harder lol. I thought it was an O that was drawn funny at first glance.


figment1979 t1_iu3kjrq wrote

You're not the only one.


WangnanJahad t1_iu55dva wrote

I used to do a lot of those puzzles when I was a kid, so was able to see (eye?) it immediately. And that's how I view a sign like this using obviously immature human who thinks kid's puzzles belong in political debate.


worlds_okayest_skier t1_iu41n12 wrote

Wait, I thought Dems were responsible for crime? Vote Republican to get rid of law enforcement?


Technical_Hair_4383 t1_iu3wa7o wrote

Interesting article on 538 about how the politicization of Christianity by the GOP has ruined the Christian brand leading to greater secularization. #irony


pab_guy t1_iu4kzel wrote

That sign does more to make our country a shithole than any 3 letter agency LOL


uniqueshell t1_iu3mykq wrote

It’s nice of them to let us know where the assholes are


Zulu1991 t1_iu5ze4y wrote

People on the other side of the political aisle are assholes?


uniqueshell t1_iu692l0 wrote

Yeah Zulu that’s what I wrote. People on the other side of the aisle from me aren’t but the guy that put up that sign is and I’m guessing by your extremely leading question you are too


Hot_Salad9000 t1_iu2m4ss wrote

So do they hate Nazis for dems? Can’t have both


gulfofmainah t1_iu47amp wrote

You can dislike Republicans but also very much agree that those institutions have big corruption issues and have for a long time the two ideas are not exclusive.


[deleted] t1_iu525o6 wrote

Sure, but I think we can all agree (given the rest of the rhetoric on the sign and larger national right wing conversations) that this dude doesn’t care so much about like, the Bay of Pigs, as much as he thinks Trump should be completely above the law.


RusterGent t1_iu4htal wrote

I want to initiate a conversation. What are you supposed to do with these people that you cannot convince them of reality? I hear a lot of f****** jargon from these f****** people who like to believe they know what's going on but like these people they have no idea.


LobsterMan101 t1_iu66osw wrote

I posted something about LGBT representation in Maine and got the most homophobic comments . I’m glad this comment section passed the vibe check. Please don’t reply if you’re gonna give “your opinion” on lgbt folks. This isn’t got your haters


Max_minutia t1_iu4wkbh wrote

Wait aren't Nazi's in support of the Conservative party? So shouldn't these groups supporting his side be a good thing.... for him.?


Blackspyraldancer t1_iu4zlej wrote

Shot hole? I thought the republicans were the guns people.


WayneSkylar_ t1_iu5e5oc wrote

Americans are so fucking historically illiterate it hurts. And this isn't exclusive to chuds.


anonreddituser78 t1_iu5wj7q wrote

Wait.... They're against nazi's?! I thought they were into that shit!


roosoh t1_iu6gb1x wrote

Bet he’s never left Maine in good life


MomTRex t1_iu6hvxz wrote

So confused


endsup t1_iu4g96b wrote

What an asshole


tsarlath t1_iu4po6y wrote



Tatman20000 t1_iu5a34v wrote

That is crazy! Anyone who thinks that Democrats have been doing a bad job running Maine and the country are insane! Every thing is going perfectly under Joe Biden! People need to wake up!


blazedrow t1_iu5civs wrote

Yea it’s been so great🤣🤣 record high recession, gas prices threw the roof, food prices threw the roof, housing crisis, brink of WWIII, but yea it’s been real great…… what’s worse is y’all tell people they are wrong then a few years later push for the same thing… but let’s talk about Maine after all this is the r/Maine.. record high taxes, CMP charging 80% more on bills, lobstermen being attacked and pushed out. But everything is fine.


Kissfan07 t1_iu5psc8 wrote

He just cancelled your vote 😂


Individual_Unit_896 t1_iu5qvhl wrote

Hierarchy is important. The SS is the clearest thing there. Maybe not accidentally.


JxC24 t1_iu5z8tc wrote

What’s a “shot hole?”


HRH-ElleJai t1_iu6dkug wrote

I'm going to have to look for this... Wonder what they'd think to find out one of their neighbors in Wales (me) is former CIA. Lol


DistanceSuper3476 t1_iu3vb81 wrote

He is not half wrong about the DOJ FBI and thing is clear ..both parties are working against the middle class and we need a third party!


Zulu1991 t1_iu5z4vg wrote

Although I think his approach is extreme, I'll be voting conservative.


PrometheusOnLoud t1_iu4levr wrote

Vote with your wallet. If you have been negatively impacted by inflation or the pandemic over the last two years, you know how to vote.


Ok_Industry8323 t1_iu4tgal wrote

Yes. Vote RED across the board and get rid of the career politicians. Come on a president that’s been a senator since the early 1970s? WTH. Washington and being a politician was to never be a life long job. Vote red and let’s start reversing the crap the Dems and progressives have caused. Unless you love paying more for things and handouts to everyone in many countries.


[deleted] t1_iu67k7q wrote



Ok_Industry8323 t1_iu72zio wrote

What the heck do you think Dems have been doing for years? Term limits would be great but will never happen. Dems have always loved one party RULE and done well orchestrating it. Republicans can’t get their carp together enough to be one party. All I hope for is it swings to the center. Not trump and not AOC. In the middle like Kennedy was.


Naturevalleymegapack t1_iu6b0hb wrote

A president with 50 years of political experience ? That is not a bad thing.


Ok_Industry8323 t1_iu72nbc wrote

Actually. Yes it is. It’s their career. Think they will look out for you or their career?


[deleted] t1_iu47exe wrote



tehgreengiant t1_iu49w98 wrote

Nah it's just funny when the party that's flooded with Nazis calls the left side Nazis. Not saying all conservatives are Nazis but they definitely have a problem that's not being addressed.


baxterstate t1_iu4buho wrote

Absolutely!! Only Democrats should have the right to call people Nazis, Racists, Ableists, etc.


buckythelucky t1_iu3p7re wrote

Red wave coming


JFConz t1_iu3pgij wrote

Sounds like a reference to menstruation.


Sonofabeechikeelu t1_iu3pwjh wrote

A world recession has been announced. It’s inevitable. So yes, please vote for the party that will elect to cut snap, liheap, tanf, and unemployment in a time when everyone will need it.


buckythelucky t1_iu3sgcn wrote

Or vote for a party that is inching us closer to nuclear war and lying about voter suppression


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu3ygm6 wrote

😂😂😂😂 imagine being as stupid as you are.


buckythelucky t1_iu3z5en wrote

Omg you’re an insult wizard. Guess my whole day is ruined 😂


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu3z8z7 wrote

Do you think I care enough about you to try and ruin your day? 🤔🤣🤣🤣


buckythelucky t1_iu3zqnw wrote

Well you clearly have no argument, just insults. So yeah i do. At least you know how to use emoji’s 👍


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu40d5h wrote

Glad you understand how to use emojis too, republicans are notorious for being Incompetent morons😂 again, I wasn't arguing or insulting you. I just couldn't imagine saying such stupid statements like rEd WaVe ComInG on such a widely used platform. If I were you, I would be embarrassed..but judging from your responses already I don't believe you know how stupid you truly are.


buckythelucky t1_iu40rsu wrote

LOL. Maybe you should look at the margins for the midterm polls. People are going to vote republican because democrats are shit!


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu41f9r wrote

Keep wishing your party of racist morons wins😂😂😂


buckythelucky t1_iu4edw6 wrote

Give me your address so i can mail you tissues


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4erfh wrote

Give me your address so I can laugh at the trump 2020 signs you still have up


buckythelucky t1_iu4kkez wrote

You are a 🤡


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4kpaw wrote

Haha so you do have them up😂😂 weird cult vibes


Bassfishing98 t1_iu4bqwu wrote

Liberal brain rot. You realize democrats killed Lincoln, mlk, started the kkk and civil war, Jim Crow law, gun laws to prevent blacks and minorities from owning guns. But yeah, the republicans are the racist ones 🤡


Bassfishing98 t1_iu4box7 wrote

Liberal brain rot. You realize democrats killed Lincoln, mlk, started the kkk and civil war, Jim Crow law, gun laws to prevent blacks and minorities from owning guns. But yeah, the republicans are the racist ones 🤡


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4btdy wrote

Your delusions are strong young tampon.


Bassfishing98 t1_iu4e0si wrote

lol, can’t wait to see you crying on here in a couple weeks


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4eanl wrote

All your cult does is cry and complain when they lose😂 you pussies couldn't even storm the capital without fucking up🤣🤣🤣 go find your safespace tampon.


Bassfishing98 t1_iu4igyo wrote

The 2,000 people who stormed the Capitol doesn’t make up for the whole party so try again. At least republicans can run a country right. The fact you can’t even debate and just spew shit is laughable. Could call you a tampon but no pussy would let you near it 😂😂


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4iu7l wrote

What on earth thinks I'm here to debate politics?🤣🤣🤣 especially with a closest tronald dump worshipping clown? Seriously snowflake, don't get so offended 😂😂


Bassfishing98 t1_iu4kcyb wrote

Lmao, takes more than a half breed braindead calling me a tampon to offend me. All I gotta say is democrats are racist to set you off. Are your pronouns fucking/moron?


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4kmwy wrote

Set me off? What makes you think you set me off snowflake? You seem awfully upset. You definitely seem like a typical inbred cult member 😂


Bassfishing98 t1_iu4l3lp wrote

Ouch you really got me. See you at the polls buddy! Actually are you even old enough to vote?


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4miws wrote

I was old enough to vote when we made sure tronald lost🤷‍♂️


Bassfishing98 t1_iu49xii wrote

I’d be embarrassed to call myself a liberal while the country is going to shit under democrats. The red wave is coming!


binbinfromthe7 t1_iu4ae7g wrote

Bahahaha you're just another tampon for the rEd WaVe 😂😂