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PatsFreak101 t1_iuefsci wrote

My favorite part just after the Piscataqua Bridge


dedoubt t1_iuf1hrx wrote

It can be a rough pass to get through come winter, but sure is pretty. The Eliot exit was closed for so long because of all those avalanches.


PatsFreak101 t1_iuf6km1 wrote

I’m just glad the scary fog dissipated for a few months


dedoubt t1_iuf862z wrote

Heck, yuh gotta get up ta midcoast, still thick as pea soup theyuh.


cwalton505 t1_iuegq2q wrote

Ah yes the mountainous path through Kittery


LuckyDogLD t1_iue1nym wrote

Definitely not the view you’re gonna get!


Firm_Rock6519 t1_iufqbrg wrote

Everyone saying "but the Shining took place in Colorado" is correct, but this opening shot was filmed in Glacier National Park, Montana. The Timberline Lodge in Oregon was used for exterior shots. The rest was filmed in England. I don't think any of the movie was filmed in Colorado.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iugg0en wrote

Kinda like how most films set in Maine aren’t actually filmed here

Just googled it and apparently some of it was filmed in an apartment complex in Colorado, but yeah, most of it was in London, an airport outside London, an American legion post in SoCal, and Glacier NP.


Revan995 t1_iue1c8h wrote

Overlook Hotel is based on the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO. Definitely not Maine by a long shot.


GreenStoneRidge t1_iuf5ey9 wrote

But owned by Mainers. So that's something. The Stanley brothers were practically like wright brothers lite. Their museum in kingfield is pretty solid spot to spend 90 minutes.


indyaj t1_iudw1wq wrote

lol that's not Maine. That's out west.


SamPhoto t1_iue1294 wrote

that'd probably be a better slogan than the "open for business" one that was up for a few years.


Smart_Patrol t1_iue5b3w wrote

Wish we had those views here.


MusicboxOwl t1_iuelv1f wrote

As someone who drives between Maine and NH regularly, I can second this.


Maughlin t1_iuf71fv wrote

I think the words are more the point than the actual scenery for this.


CobaltAzurean t1_iue4pfd wrote

The Way Life Should Be According To Stephen King, actually.


WangnanJahad t1_iueqo3c wrote

And OP picks of the few books King wrote that isn't set anywhere near Maine.


OkCity1893 t1_iujrvvu wrote

True, but at the end of the book the mom, kid and chef are up at Rangely.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iuer1aq wrote

I sometimes feel like Mainers are better at geography than the average American, and then I remember the people I went to high school with who thought Pennsylvania was a different country


sexquipoop69 t1_iufbr6j wrote

We could put it on the sign after the bridge


linuxknight t1_iuhqxs6 wrote

Your best chance of a mountainous entrance to Maine is actually in NH coming through Jefferson down Route 2. Alternately coming down from Canada through Coburn Gore on Route 201 has some nice sights as well.


fastIamnot t1_iuhvsot wrote

Beans is right around that corner.