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OriginalGordol OP t1_its6t2l wrote

"And the LePage narrative may be even more insidious than meets the eye.

As observed in a Harm Reduction Journal study published earlier this year, “crack” is a word “loaded with unfortunate connotations of stigma and discrimination” and “driven by media depictions of an urban public health crisis primarily affecting Black communities.”

It suits LePage to promote a vision of drug-ravaged inner cities and ignore the reality of rural towns in deep distress. Across the country and nationally, the use of “crack pipe” at best appeals to the villainizing thinking of the 1980s war on drugs. At worst, it perpetuates a racist trope."


DidDunMegasploded t1_itsehq9 wrote

I can understand the last paragraph, but the second "crack" not the name of a drug in and of itself? Should we use "crack cocaine" instead? The rest of the paragraph looks fine, but it's that part that throws me off.


OriginalGordol OP t1_itses7c wrote

It's just cocaine. In a smokeable form rather than a snortable form.

What do you think of when someone says "crack" in relation to drugs?


DidDunMegasploded t1_itsgex9 wrote

Ah. Well when I think of "crack", I think of the drug, not of black people. I've seen enough anti-drug PSAs from across three entire decades to know better than that.


sheeponabowl t1_ituh3g6 wrote

LePage is using is as racism.


DidDunMegasploded t1_itur92c wrote

Yeah, I figured. Not really surprised given his whole "D-Money and Shifty" comments from years back.