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Unklefat t1_isx9nq9 wrote

There is a feeling that you get in Maine you don’t get anywhere else. People are more down to earth and nice, there isn’t as much of the rat race. No billboards. Most beautiful nature you could ask for. At least Maine has all four seasons too. Whenever I drive back into the state I always breathe a sigh of relief.


seeclick8 t1_isxdq9l wrote

Yeah, I am a Texas transplant from 42 years ago, and I appreciate and love Maine. I love that it is casual, and people can dress the way they want. I really love that religion isn’t a big deal, and no one judges you about not having it in your life. My sister lives in LA and loves it though. We are both glad we left Texas. Los Angeles, not Lewiston/Auburn


AffectLast9539 t1_isxrzbg wrote

Definitely! Moved away to CA for 7 years and couldn't wait to get back. I ended up moving to NH instead and I figured it would be pretty much the same. I was surprised at how different things feel here. It's hard to put my finger on it, and I haven't quite figured out just what the difference is, but just half an hour away makes a bigger difference than I ever would have thought.