Submitted by FrankTheTankOHW t3_y7thbh in Maine

I just wanted to say this subreddit helps remind me of home. I’ve live in Maine my whole life (19 years) until I enlisted in the Marine Corps. I’m currently stationed in California and it’s very different here. I’ve come to appreciate Maine much, much more than before I left. I noticed that in Maine it’s still very down to Earth and people are willing to help each other out, and are much kinder than people here. The scenery and nature are beautiful and all in all I’ve realized Maine really is the way life should be.



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Unklefat t1_isx9nq9 wrote

There is a feeling that you get in Maine you don’t get anywhere else. People are more down to earth and nice, there isn’t as much of the rat race. No billboards. Most beautiful nature you could ask for. At least Maine has all four seasons too. Whenever I drive back into the state I always breathe a sigh of relief.


seeclick8 t1_isxdq9l wrote

Yeah, I am a Texas transplant from 42 years ago, and I appreciate and love Maine. I love that it is casual, and people can dress the way they want. I really love that religion isn’t a big deal, and no one judges you about not having it in your life. My sister lives in LA and loves it though. We are both glad we left Texas. Los Angeles, not Lewiston/Auburn


AffectLast9539 t1_isxrzbg wrote

Definitely! Moved away to CA for 7 years and couldn't wait to get back. I ended up moving to NH instead and I figured it would be pretty much the same. I was surprised at how different things feel here. It's hard to put my finger on it, and I haven't quite figured out just what the difference is, but just half an hour away makes a bigger difference than I ever would have thought.


fjphil t1_iswja1h wrote

Thank you for your service! Maine will be here for you when you are ready. I've been to California many times, and while there are parts of it that are a total package, no state in the country compares to Maine.


FrankTheTankOHW OP t1_iswjfg8 wrote

Thank you! Some parts of Cali are pretty but I’ve mostly seen run down areas or deserts. I agree, Maine truly is the greatest state.


M0useWhisperer t1_isxexh6 wrote

Thank you for your service. In the meantime, try to get out to Tahoe or Mammoth in the Winter.


The_Crystal_Thestral t1_ita5mj9 wrote

You’re in Southern California which is (imho) not as nice as the northern part of the state. You’ll get a lot of passive aggressiveness overall, it’s just how it is there, but if you can get yourself to Yosemite or Muir Woods, the hiking is quite nice. Snowboarding in Tahoe is fun too and the locals are pretty chill.


_chardonnaypapi_ t1_iswv7cs wrote

I feel ya man, I joined the Air Force and it made me appreciate Maine way more since I left.


Canoe_Pilot t1_iswxod2 wrote

Same. Coming to the end of my career and ready to move back home. Maybe if a few of us move back, we can offset some of the people from away.


Bywater t1_iswxta5 wrote

Did the same thing decades ago, couldn't wait to get back here after bouncing around the states for awhile.


timothypjr t1_isx64bl wrote

Thank you for your service! My son is a marine (retired) from Maine. He’s in PA as an EMT, but he has said similar things about “home.” Sometimes it takes going away to appreciate home.


PlentyCommission166 t1_isxh62p wrote

Hey, yeah. I was Army so I know the disassociated feeling you get. There's good stuff to be found every single place you live, and you will leave a little of your heart everywhere you go. Learn as much as you can out there about everything you can- learn from everyone. But someday you are gonna come back because when you're a kid in New England it never really leaves you.


rizub_n_tizug t1_isy6wzl wrote

Same and I was at Drum so i was ‘close’ in that I could drive home, but far enough it was a pain. Upstate NY has a similar feel but nothing is quite like Maine


taskforceslacker t1_iswrg6v wrote

See the world beyond 21 Stumps, ‘Rah? Maine will always be here.


ImSubbyHubby t1_isyig5n wrote

I've travelled all over the US for work and not once found a place that could be better than Maine. I was born here, raised here, and I'll die here.


[deleted] t1_isxirmq wrote

Well we do have some of the best scenery in the country, that's no lie. Unfortunately no one wants to build any housing in the County, just apartments. Would be nice to have a median age that's lower than 48.


Competitive-Army2872 t1_isx7eia wrote

Semper Fi Marine! I was stationed in California... NAS Miramar to be exact. It was an awesome place back when I was in. So much has changed.


JayRoes t1_isz7hje wrote

Semper Fi Marine. I went to AAV school in Delmar. It’s super nice and the weathers great but I couldn’t wait to get back to the East Coast. I came back to Maine when I got out and never left. Keep your head up. Do your time. You’ll be home before you know it Young Devil Dog🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


lizardkingej t1_it06hrq wrote

I stayed in florida for 5 weeks last winter and I spent 4 of them wishing I was home. I had the same conclusion as well. It’s the way life should be.


WangnanJahad t1_isxhi0z wrote

It's less that we are kinder and more that we still follow the 'keep it to yourself' mantra......

Folks in CA, and much of the rest of the country, don't hold their thoughts in their head and share them with everyone, regardless if they should or not.


hoardac t1_isxuoaf wrote

29 Palms? It is quite a change from Maine if it is where you are.


tracyinge t1_isyofya wrote

I hope you get a chance to drive up the coast of California between Los Angeles and San Francisco, that's where the scenery is. Stop of and see the ranches/ vineyards/valleys near Lake Cachuma north of Santa Barbara too.

Have you mostly stayed in the oceanside area? That would be like being stationed in Biddeford and thinking you've seen Maine.

Surprised that you find the people in California unhelpful, what was the situation? Did you need a jumpstart or something?


ME_MissVictorious t1_iszn3td wrote

This reminds me of the sigh I unconsciously make when I see the “Welcome Home” sign when I cross back into Maine. I can breathe again.


FrogThat t1_iszqfv0 wrote

I have fam from Maine in Cali and I keep telling them to come home.. I could go around the world and this is where I would land again. Maine is definitely my forever home lol!


Useful-Beginning4041 t1_it040qo wrote

This subreddit is a great way to stay in touch with home- I’m not as far out as you are, but there really is something about Maine that sets it apart


StockBoston t1_it05zte wrote

Thank you for your service! Stay strong, you’ll be back home in New England soon🇺🇸


Dabstronaut77 t1_iszs7z4 wrote

Californian here who’s spent the last three weeks in the Ellsworth area. The people here are much friendlier than I expected. Also the food is amazing, haven’t had a bad meal here yet. The weed is cheap and the quality is great. Same with the beer. Views are as good as anywhere this time of year, the only thing the state is missing is huge mountains. That said, you should definitely check out kings canyon/sequoia national park, Joshua tree, and Yosemite if you can make the trip. These places all offer an experience you won’t find in Maine. Definitely a top tier state you’ve got here and I’ve been to most!