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BurglarBaggins t1_it747xr wrote

Bradbury Mountain and Mount Agementicus are both hotspots during the spring hawk migrations so that’s worth a shot. note: Mt A’s parking lot is under construction so might be better choice next year.

Certainly check in with Freeport Wild Bird Supply if you’re in the area for great birding gear and gifts. The owners also do group as well as private birding tours.


Catg923 t1_it7bd9m wrote

Gosh you’ll find them anywhere! Visit coastal marshes or walking trails. We’ve got a great healthy population, from York county all the way up to Waldo (that’s my range)


MrLonely_ t1_it7ihvl wrote

Wolfes neck state park in Freeport has a family of ospreys on the little island. The Belgrade lakes region, specifically the two most northern ponds north pond and east pond, has lots of eagle activity.


hagak t1_it95wq5 wrote

Osprey still in Freeport now? The ones here in Ellsworth along the river left a good bit ago.


kerbal2derbal t1_it73b0s wrote

Androscoggin river area, between Lewiston/Auburn and Merrymeeting bay. I live in the area, probably see 2-3 eagles, 4-5 herons and scattered hawks every month. There is a huge resurgence of eagles in the south end of the bay where it meets the river, probably 3-4 nesting pairs at any one time.


AloofFool t1_it77rq4 wrote

There is a bald eagle nest along the road on the way to Cousin's Island on the power line. And in general birds of prey are thriving throughout maine from my observations while driving.


clickinforchickens t1_it795b8 wrote

The bird watching in the Acadia region is nice! The Orono Bog Walk as well if you head up north.


RealMainer t1_it7qc7o wrote

Fort Popham is great for bird watching, especially if you go there at dusk! Even better if it's near low tide. There is almost always a heron or two, lots of cormorants, ducks, and random sea birds (I love the little guys who dive bomb for fish, though it might be too late in the year to see them), and there is a pair of Bald Eagles you can sometimes see flying over the water. They sometimes raid the pigeons who live at Fort Popham. Speaking of which if it hasn't been caught by the eagles yet, there is a pure white pigeon that lives in the fort as well.

On the drive to Popham there is a good chance you will see a few hawks, ospreys, or even some turkeys as well!


ppitm t1_it7bu59 wrote

Eagles: Lower Kennebec River near Bath, ideally from a boat. Or any major river, really. Herons on smaller rivers, again best to have a boat. For hawks you can just drive down the highway.


milkmoustache_ t1_it7ngoj wrote

If you’re staying in southern Maine, another good spot is Audubon’s Gilsland Farm in Falmouth. Lots of Osprey, Cooper’s and Sharp-shinned hawks, with an occasional Bald Eagle. plus, lots of other good bird watching.


minimax34 t1_it7cgt4 wrote

Bradberry mountain


Vryimpatnt t1_it7fxgh wrote

Usually an eagle on Long Island viewed from Casco Bay Ferry. Also, plenty of osprey all over, especially on Presumpscot River in Falmouth.


Runnah5555 t1_it7hrzu wrote

Sorry, but the Hawks are in Atlanta and the Eagles are in Philly.


Darth_Quaider t1_it8dpu6 wrote

Honestly 295 north of Portland as you pass the Muddy Rudder, I almost always see an eagle overhead around there. Had him divebomb the highway for roadkill once and ended up flying along side my car for a hundred yards or so.


gradontripp t1_it8hd4h wrote

Took the boat tour from Maine Maritime Museum in Bath a few weeks ago, and they pointed out a few bald eagles along the way.


Oblivion615 t1_it9q2lm wrote

Robinson Woods Preserve in Cape Elizabeth is a great place for bird watching. It’s just down the street from Fort Williams as well. Woods, fields and marshy wetlands. We regularly see great blue herons, great white egrets, snowy egrets, glossy ibis, hawks, vultures, woodpeckers and way more field and woods birds than I’m going to list hear. We also see dear, fox, raccoons, snakes, frogs and turtles. Check it out.


colinhd27 t1_it7jpi6 wrote

If you go to the mouth of the presumpscot it's good for sea birds. A few Osprey live near it. I find the marsh to be the best place, because you also get king fishers.


Ferfuxache t1_it7qjwl wrote

Head to the dump to see all the eagles and bears you want


ResurgentOcelot t1_it7sg1s wrote

I frequently sight herons and hawks at Fore River Sanctuary.


MathematicianGlum880 t1_it7vcpg wrote

I have often seen both Red Tail Hawk and bald Eagles on 295 after Portland, heading North, on the water side. Though this isn’t necessarily the time of year for the Hawk as some fly south for the winter months. My husband and I saw 17 Hawks driving South on 95 (between Scarborough and Mass) taking our grandson to Mass, one year. But we always see them in the Spring, that is a actually a great place to see them.


bigtencopy t1_it7xhes wrote

Has an Eagle chewing on a rabbit in my lawn this morning. Was cool


joeydokes t1_it8125a wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge


joeydokes t1_it813jr wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge


joeydokes t1_it8141f wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge


joeydokes t1_it814tf wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge


joeydokes t1_it816i2 wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge


joeydokes t1_it817h3 wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge


joeydokes t1_it817y9 wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge


joeydokes t1_it81ae8 wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge


joeydokes t1_it81cep wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge


joeydokes t1_it81d9l wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge


joeydokes t1_it81drj wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge


joeydokes t1_it81fhc wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge


joeydokes t1_it81h87 wrote

Saw a bald eagle on the kennebec River in Bangor yesterday afternoon - it was huuuge
