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MrsBeansAppleSnaps t1_ir3i98u wrote


  1. Lepage is still Lepage.
  2. Mills is the prototypical politician. "I inherited this problem" "I fixed this other problem completely" and so on. Do you think she would ever own up to a mistake? No, politicians don't do that.
  3. The bright lights of MPBN were too much for Hunkler.

WangnanJahad t1_ir3op7s wrote

Your statement boils down to 'do we hire an asshole or do we hire the status quo?'

I'll take the status quo. At least I both know what I'm getting and not be the laughing stock of the nation again.


Tnkgirl357 t1_ir4q831 wrote

During LePage’s last term I took an extended cross country road trip, hitchhiking to the west coast and back. The amount of random people in places that didn’t know much about Maine except “you’ve got that whack job governor out there, what’s with that?” Was really sad.


Vel0clty t1_ir59ktq wrote

At least the status quo hooked us up with bailout checks 👍🏼 (also has common sense, works for the people, and isn’t an embarrassment to our state)


CptnAlex t1_ir6b287 wrote

I don’t love Mills, but she was the only professional on stage. The other two are dimwits.