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wishabitchwood t1_ir3l8ts wrote

And you don't think nurses figured out their worth? Those that could become travelers did. Hospitals refuse to compete and pay their nurses accordingly. Raise pay, fix staff ratios. Then they might do better.


[deleted] OP t1_ir3mm70 wrote



wishabitchwood t1_ir3nov4 wrote

Boston seems to have no problem with any of this. I get in to better specialists there quicker than Bangor. So I travel 5 hours, get quicker, better, more up to date care.

I'm so sick of listening to "well covid" as an excuse for everything in Bangor when it comes to healthcare.

I refuse to go the EMMC after the way tgey've treated my adult child, my other adult child is a nurse and worked there during college for a year as a cna. They want nurses but treat workers like crap. Can't blame covid for that. Now she's a nurse that will never work for northern lights.