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Armigine t1_ir4y16a wrote

people are generally salty when the candidate with fewer votes wins an election, because the truth that our elections are more 'elections' is not something which is good.


needfortweedIII t1_ir55qou wrote

Okay, but not "stolen", rather won according to rules which some think are unfair.


Armigine t1_ir5cgpp wrote

Were you asking for clarification of what they meant or trying to be pedantic when you already understood what they meant?


IamSauerKraut t1_ir6be7j wrote

Imma vote "pendantic."


needfortweedIII t1_ir6up0e wrote



IamSauerKraut t1_ir7ewc8 wrote

Because I can and because you like to post comments to folks that you then delete so that it only shows up in a person's email but the person is then unable to respond because you've already deleted it.


needfortweedIII t1_ir6org5 wrote

I mean, when someone wins an election according to the rules that were in place, calling it "stolen" is a bit extreme. I was asking for clarification. Claiming Trump "stole" the election in 2016 is no different than saying Biden "stole" it in 2020.


Armigine t1_ir7khhh wrote

That's true - I think people typically mean different things with those expressions (I think when people say Biden stole the election, they typically mean literally changed votes illegally), but that does possibly get some color from my political experience. It is indeed annoying when people are unclear in their communication, we have the language to be precise